HomeMy WebLinkAbout319122100040 Year File No. NAME of OWNER DISTRICTS 1 Lit::; I SALE PRICE :d. :~(' Pori P~TPD: '1 I T, PI .L ~ _..3.....!L,b......f:L_ Q..J_ /J 1.1/_ ,J" "';~7.'{:'";:;.7Y /I CONTRACT TO 67 22404~ Larrv J. Oliver 224432 ;11;< 'o/lJ 277o:<P '-IJ..-Iv.'U IG ,,';; (J-b <<,f.-u..-u ' fv :27~N;2 d 0 r>tJ. #/- ~ "".d Ih D 3717.Jb 1:: InD. \1\. ~,O O~ ~$~ J.I/91!),,2. I I.c::.OD P;A'd. J ~~ _cC 1f'(dl d..?<.o) 3v..( J{ r-t3S.:27/ l1bbb75 ~5? :';;t~5"/1 b... . Year Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I I I I Oystlf .. -. . "-. ---- '. VALUATIONS NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved Improved IlmPf"?vl!menh I (Buildlllgs) i B. of E. VALUE Iu: I &.1 h /J I-1D ~..(1 13 ~,tU 1.c.:.- 1Ji. 77 g I :J, I) " .57) , >?? 50 ~79 I=.~ /"'o~ /- /#0 /~tD ..:lS{.) / f/t./.(JJ /6 '? ttJ 1...::::-'1 ~6' ..:It!'?L1I J? ~7''' L:"?A~ .39-711 'lI7tD ~ ~/7_ Ic?;::;-411t.) -''0 77#" I'P/jRo ,,',j 2, t ~ ~. <! ,';'-1 " ; ,7C) 71 .71 ,79 I;) ; ,-j-l\ J ( ~-~ ",- d. 3 ~j ~/t' :;-'}I!)CJD <<.RYe'D 157[oe) 5"i{)()o 3~soo '1152;0 LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RSE. 1 ~ , .' . - . . ~ {\l)i()io~ 4~~~ cL.W . pO" -..<-_:~ ,CCil! _'.,.~ <~~IJ.~" _.''''V'~-'''''''-''''' The following described tract of land situated in Govt Lot 4, Section 1, and Govt Lot 1, Section 12, Township 19 North, Range 3 ~". Beginning at the section corner common to Sections 1,2,11, and 12; run thence North 50 feet; thence East, parnl1el vrith the section line, 1145.06' to the initial point; from this point run thence ~Xi~ S 10a W 124.36f; thence S 77aQO'E 180' more or less to the East line of the Govt Lot; tLence following along the east line of said Lot, to a point east of the initial point; thence west 293.84' more or less, to the initial point. 'I Tax 72 1'1-3 Also, all that portion of a tract of tidelands suitahle for the cultivation of oysters, fo:rnerly owned by the St?te of 1-lashington, containing 57.59 acres, more or less, convpyed by the Stat" of Hashington to B. Jacobsp.n. J1me 8, 1901, under "pplication !!2632, and recordee! in VolUl'le S O.L., page 10/., records of Hason Count::', 1-1a. situate in front of too follm-ling desc:o:-iheci upland, and lying Southerly of the North line of said upland tract extended ~st ane! Northerly of the Southerly line of said upland tract extended South 77020' Bast, to..~t: A tract of land in Govt. lot 4, Sec. I, and Govt. Lot I, Sec. 12; all in Tmmship 19 North, Range 3 1'est, W.:.I. cQ'.n'l'\NCING AT 1'HS Sec. corner ca,non to Sec. I, 2, 11 and 12; thence North SO feet; thence East, rar~llel ,-lith the Sec. line, 1145.06 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land hereby e!escribed; thence South 10000' Yest l2~.36 f"et; thence SmIth 77020' East 180 feet, ~ore or less, to the Fast line of Govt. Lot I, said Sec. 12; thence Northerly, alone the ~sterly line of said Govt. Lot I, Section 12, and C~vt Lot 4, Sec. I, to a point ~ast of the point of beginning; thence ;,est 293.84 feet, More Or less to the point of beginnine. ~--~-. - ,-~. ...- ..... ~. :- . - ----..