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, ., L.~\ ~~E of OWNER I[/'\; DISTRICTS I' ~ V.., FII. No. CONTRACT TO ..;:;;; SALE PRICE J Rd, Soh, Port PUD FPD l/O(2) - - - - <:;2 lO711~ Clifford L. Roundtree et ux 3- 3Q.2 3- lL .k.. ~ I!!' - " SF - - - - - IlL ...L JQ1 - ..3 !:L ..L H - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .,-,. " - . - . ....-..... -. ---- ----------------- .. ..--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ?'.?O Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE 63 3 - ..3 /5 15 . !a J.O() ~OO Yo,.;; 'j'OO {.,/ :3.o-v 3,(7) /.5<.0-0 / ..:? tJi'J ,1..1-. .;' ,L-'5t;/J /.52J~ 2a 7 /"" -1J1f} /;;;tJ6~ 1J ~" ez; ...../1dt'1 ~~l'.l 77 .' -;;;- :.>/ , ~, J g; :;> ;:'> ...(' ,/'-.:~ ~~ ,"" . 5;;,"IU',-",c ~' " :-) -, 8'1 '/OCl-:'u 90000 - LOT BlK. IlIB...J1.1 :~ I~ , SEC. TWN. RGE. ~. l~ - --. '- . -,I.." _,,- 10 " 111_ '1 _~ I\-,---..JJ.... T _..... .r.L ",,~..____.-.--_. ~ Formerly Tr. 3 of Govt Lot 2 CCc -. _..~ Commencing at a pt 25 ft W of ~~ of ~~ of Sec 11-19-3. From said pt due E, about 915 ft on to high water line of Skookum Inlet; Thn SW, or following M.L. of Skookum Inlet; to a pt directly S of pl of bgn; Thn N to pl of bgn, contain 3 acres, more or less. Said parcel of land being portion of Lot 2, Sec 11, Twp 19 N, R3 W. '.~.~ __.........-......~.-__'_c-_.----=__~_ _,_. _ ~----- ' ---~_._-_..._-~_:.~ .J "