HomeMy WebLinkAbout319111100013 ,. ~_.~itONO' I ___.__~~~T~9S_~~___ SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port I PUD 'FPD ! I J (/-1/) .P. i 3 09 3! 4 i L H i ~~iY__ !J.};53t/tJJ.,28 ~, "tdn,}""';h of!!4- 0: I-- _Li _ I 7i:;; Jd1-8Ci.2... J 47;~ 'iA,fI, ..p rf/L A. ,i _~__t_.l~'(t?o/)~:~Y:;L ~~J~~"':.9 ~. /i" / / .-- ~_ /" t2 i?,r.M~}~/'A~q ] ~:,~+il ,I Ii: fJ%",::;'''/c/~ 5':0 '/.'&-:=061- 1/ ,:l.lia->t. OJ :'>t'r_"VC~.P/~ f!;.,tiV.J;1'b1iTJ III 'fl ,., H Ulb '" ---+ __._ ' I , I NAME of OWNER CO NTRACT TO 67 b .;19'3,),<;' Karl N. Sells -- I I +-r' i j---- I .! I ------- " ',---j-~--i-------- .+-_ 1---+ 1 I . ! .-----. .-=''''-'''- Timber I Unimproved i Improved TOTAL I. ! T Oyster " "'~-"W-'~'-- I -- Year Oyster NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Timber I Unimproved Improved i Improvemenh (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE - . ~~: ~=~~ n:d 1 ;;{!r06r, :<3'750 ~ h.~_ hdO /3{)~o ;( goo C) ~ g 75'(J iL~---r- ,Z~- -,- 1i ' 'f..;t.,[... _' 77 ' ---. ~/I /.';J.'it 1i,-- /';3 L..;i 3 '---tl ,~;)i,~ VL-- :""',r,' _ _~J2t I,.;;J~ /)03 /,..:J::< l,;;, '3 1-- ~, .." "F",~.,.~ .~,...,lk'" I I ---, I '---r- 1 i 13l.JJj: t' ( Cf.{LQ()~ l111 .a"",.' , I I , lOT BLK. SEe, TWN. . RGE. ~:,",,'~~;->-y--.,... . That part of Govt Lot 1 and of tidelands in front thereof described as follows: Beginning at a point on the N line of Govt Lot 1, S 88 46' W 370' from its NE corner; running thence S 8846' W along said N line 80'; thence S 023' to Nly line of tract conveyed by State of Washington, suitable for the cultivation of oysters recorded in Volume 8 of Deeds, page 104; thence Ely along said Nly line to a point S 023' E of I.P.; thence N 0 23' W to 1. P. except R/W i ~.,..=o-:;-:-..-:;,-.,-. ,. -:'-' -- ~ =".';:;"-~""-'~.v '~."'r"",:--'''' ~,..-~"""-. - ,- - ,." -,,~ .,'~-).~,~~.,~:~..~ E Q ';,..z.. .~) Vi I ~ ; i \