HomeMy WebLinkAbout319111100010 I'll> Vear Fils No. 141788 118167 ~127483 Karl N. & John A. Sells ..5.L-l"illl.."i Karl N. Sells et ux /,t.c'7- ,S'!.~~ -';;"'''"''''3 ~7;(&,A(7Fj'1 /1/? ,.( 7/ ..J, a__<J ~:3 I.!;" /'11 &?J7I7~5 5/f3 '/f4 7'11 ~l/)L II ",ddl.v CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD NAME of OWNER SALE PRICE l..1ill2- 3 4 L S.1 F-t- .Y ( ...L 13 0 '1 ') 4- ...L..tL ft _ ~/~O U. ({j"Jj F- ---- f) 0b~:;7'187 ~ l.I /1, hJ A In.:,bh7J-. &:cr9C> '7 _= H S-7-'l3~j), ------- ---- ----I ....,;. ~~ NUMBER OF ACRES ."'~.,- Y.a, UnImproved VALUATIONS Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Bulldln".) VALUE 15"000 /bO /60 '15000 p,,). -;Z;f .J77(j~ ). /, () /6 () 3N~ 0 ,I, ~ 2EI]]I 11/1 ti.aO.tL..'OI ' ~. >A_,,". . ...., ~ ,. ,..-L ,.C" ~;"_ -, Tlmb.r Unlmprovsd Impro'lecl TOTAL Oyll.r &. 'J-C:: fr,oo /;1. J-t:, &.y~ 1-,00 I"/.uf /60 lj, 2--& &,00 ..1.9.57 /00 /;l. ;I.~ /9.5"7 /6n grJ /J,:?1a /.3{) -' :7 Oytler Tlmb.r S3 51~L !>-t 7. 3 I o 7.31 ~-S;Dr Ui-' ~ ~5:;f5" 7.9 '1'1 ' , 7~ J.t.'" ~k J..L W/b;).X'~ PI fftj n,) J!. ~oo ~oo Sew /'btP 1-4-5 .1;', ~ /~% ~~(J /, t,t') LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~3 0 '7.50 <130 /7</.5 ".?77S cj30 17<1;;" ;:213'0,- ,9~S-s' .;< 4/35 5%:>D /(,J'() .:JfI'S:' ~b~ J~O ,;)~5 /~g' /~"52J 3/2) .u6& ~~~ 3M RJ~ ..:i/J) ""... (;J' . S6~ /t/LJ,ot1 7ZtJtJ 1~ /5r){f() ~$tJo " 37706 38'1S""G Exc Tr 15 A and ';,..,- """i'""" and'Tax'72-F, Tax 72-F-l and Tr 15 of lot Tract 14 The E 125 ft of Govt Lot 1, Sec 11-19-3, Exc therefrom public road R/W and T.L. Tract 15 Tract of land Bgn at corner Too S 88 deg, Then S 0 deg. GoNt Lot 1; Then following along Sly line of said Govt Lot 1 in Ely direction to SE corner of said Govt Lot 1; Thn N along E line of said Govt Lot 1 to pt of bgn. Except therefrom however the E 125 ft. thereof and also excepting therefrom R/W for Co. Rd. ' Tax 72-A Beg. at a point which is 1.33 chs. S of meander line to tract Sees. 11, & 12; Thn run N. 54oW. 6.49 chs.; to the initial pt; frgm initial pt. run N 5~0 W 3.03 chs; thn S 400 W 6.24 chs; thn S. 80 E. 2.49 chs; then S 67 E. 0.88 chs; thn N 400 E, 4.94 chs; to the initial point. in Govt L ot 1, See 11-19-3, as follows: common to Sees 1, 2, 11, 12, said twp and 461 W along N line of Sec. 11, 942.60 ft, 23' E, 496.97 ft, more or less to Sly line range, run of said -------==-----'. ----::-',-- ~:'- -.~,-,~- -~ .~ *Ex. '" Tracts l-A & /~, ~'!:' l-B & Tax 72A-l ,..-.....:, u~-C. .:Jll -II r