HomeMy WebLinkAbout319110081010 ... CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I",',!,- SALE PRICE! V.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER it5~1~ Rd, Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - '12 Robert F. Wallin Car~oll 3- 3.Q9. 3- It... ercer - - ...sL 1$~9j& (!(:/)1~pf Ouuu-y ~/...../ - - .L - .c-?.5~c!{.)o~ / IkJO~ /~,,;z.. .,-t. - - - - -;;.,-.500, t. rl 1//,.t3 (p/ />, / - - - - :11'/,5-3,,/ . /'1 K~tY3i' I ..?'. /7. / ) /l7A .of#- /;;, --g-"/" .' ". D %( ..L Jo'1 ~ 4- ..b.. .tL - &1 .1357/0 I$- d' 1"(; k, ?' U I YJ. ;I. ;{!/- - - 2512'13 U-Rff/L_ 1. A/9A<,;S (Jf:CO - - - - - ?Yff88<ff -'1~ ~4 f!!J/ ~-!'t H~/VX: 6"5#/>,,0 ~T/9.t. 'Zt1t100 h0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----.~~~~~-~-----------~--~-------------~----~--------~--------------------~~ ~.h-- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS , Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster I Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B. of E. (BuIldings) VALUE 53 '1, I r-.. ,<") /~ ~..;<S I~;:z,t:;" -.-.- -- ,,~ '" of. J-7 .;;;.<1.;;7 /.2 30 / 02,j' C) ~ "" ~ /5f'o ......J. lP'.-5 ~/1 ?t? /'1./0 19/1'l'~ ~~ ~.=0 M'52:J )V /t1.,,~ <Y5Oo #$00 1 5' ~ 5'15' 9.5S ~.;1~c 0; 77 "- ..., ....:.,~ . .:--- ...-. ~I :J, ;" ::,'.1 --") - "7 ~ ,~,"'- U . ') r: .,-r , i;< .;<:S'() (f ,( .~ 9.~.5 ':<.c:: .'~/) , . LOT BLK. - I.~ /lat f IIAf'ffi' A fHVH SEC. TWN. RGE. i '~ " - -, -, .~'. ..,' " ..', - ,.~ - -", ~- Co~~encing at meander corner on sec line between secs 11 & 14; thence N 2059' E 254.09'; thence N 2036'30" W 206.4'; thence N 408' W 94J!:; thence N 11013' E 420'; tihence N 2038'30" W 9Q9.5'; thence N 21040'30" W 425'; thence N 51030' W 783.1'; thence N 78015' W 533.9' for point of beginning; thence N 79059' E 296.56'; thence S 45001' E 271'; thence S 10' W 757.18'; thence S 20019' E 424.37'; Bhence S 1008' E 21.79" thence S 89059' E 248.96'; thence N 50 W 75.58" thence N 150 W 411.56'; thence N 7017' W 854.58'; thence N 67027' W 379.86'; thence N 71035' W 1094.03'; t' ence S 2007'30" E 150" thence S 27051'30" E 52.62'; thence S 9055' W 109.53'; thence S 2007'30" E 1449.16'; thence S 37019' E 6.56'; thence N 20057' E 783.91'; thence N 35021' E 650.29' to point of beginning ~ J. ---- ,-,- . --.-- -- --. -.--_. . '''h 'II/lt: /;//)/1/( d:::-//~ JI/(~'/lIl:5E , -t;5,('L 7I X'//,;;// I) ;::;&. ,L"/-J// ""IIIl Year File No. ~ '" .., '7 ~ " nNAM' 0' OWN'R CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /~S- I SALE PRICE Rd, Sch.IPort ?UD~ , - 1/71 TA.vlor '" 256493 Allen M. et ux 3 09 3 L H $3716 --- -0~ >>7'i'91-' :.2 " ., 1- -*4/;; i"'// 7'/Z /~ -t:7~ / - - - - - ~l" IJjgq c, I~ Yf / !fl9 ,~ 4- L f/. /! I J I - I I . ~-~. - NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Yellr Oyster Timber Unimpro...ed 1 Impro....d TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimpro...ed I Impro...ed 11mPfo....menh I B.oIE. (Bulldi/lljls) VALUE 7/) ~;~~ ~ ~ .:J/~ ~ .::.l/s 1: ~J5 ;1/ ."5" 7t1 "'''II~ , LL~o 9'36 77 ., LJ3c xl .:(4~>< . 4';>". , .. IdJ C) 1f3CJ - -, .."1~. -' - . - d'."'- '-- _..~.u. , --- .--- )L. , - , / 1-": ;; , /',', .:' , - .:-' ~/'.L~,"'( ,h, I, .' " . do' ,I " / .' ~ . -' ~.r ,/ /.'.,i, , ,I -; I tC' , . ;;', . .' , .-. , _.;.6 - . / ;(.' (, , ",/, , ' . -- , ., .. , f I _'I, ,.,. LOT BLK. 0::0 : , ~ : , . 1 0 SEC. TWN, RS'- , . ~ 1-1>,.&. '1 ~ , I I I Tidelands lying in front of arid between the extended Sly line of Lot 6 in Block I ."~-~~-. .~ , the extended Nly line of vacated Renton Street and 12 of Supplemental Map of Kamilche. . Y.ar FiI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /VS , SALE PRICE Rd, Sch, I Port! PUD! FPD I I -" " 1/71 256491 Murray A. Taylor et we 3 30' 3 L H $1742 --- !L - - 2f I <"9 .? III I /I I I . I I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster I Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL ! I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved I Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 76 f,.IfJi1l M- I,,~r;. I /()~ ~ '1~ l(/d ~ .::J /CJ ,d?/O 77 ^ ~' X) I 1'3 '1\.,' , /) L;(/,:J d. ,- I' , Lj '.p ;-;;. ,r-.. .-~- , - . - - , --...---- ~-,; -l. ) , -- (' '" ,', .II, ~ - F .,':7~ \." -:---' ;: -, .- ,/\ - - 2- .:> I( ...c ._.. -D../,~ " f// , I < 7" (}.. , I , I , lOT BLK. en , . . , , ~ ! CD SEC. TWN, RGE. ." ~ "'-- --- - .. ... -- -- Tidelands lying between the extended lily and Sly line of the Nly ! Lot 12 and al.l of Lot 9 in Block 1 2 IIf Supplemental. Map or Kamilche. - -- -. _ _ _, _____ ___ ~_=~C.--~~_ ""'III Ye.n File No. NAME of OWNER CO NTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1 t,/ s- I SALE PRICE Rd, ;:' POT;ii , -- 1/71 , #24963 256J92 Kim T..vlor et UX 3 L H $1742 ~-- :L I- f?/ I ~O~ or H- I II I i I . I I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster I nmber Unimproved I ImprQved TOTAl. I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved lmpl'ovements I B. of E. {Buildings} VALUE '1/ I';BA~ ~ ~~ J~ 1- /6-5"' . ;t; /Q{j ~ ":;</0 .;;)/0 77 ~, ' ......': // - ' , - -<"- 'i) ,-/1_ r:'~ /j c:{/cJ " l -:? -r' ~ --- "~.' ...5~ r : ......... /.11,', ,',." /;" /. G ~...' 12 , ~ /fj - /~- y// .t. //- L_ r:-j .: 7 - : IJ LOT BLK. fT1 l : ~ . , : 1 SEC. TWN, RGE. ~ .~ "'-- " " 'Z C -,""..........''''"' ~ ~-J!lIIIW \ Tidelands lying in !:ront and between the extended Illy and Sly line of the. Sly t of Lot 12 and all of Lot 15 in Block 1 2 of Supplemental Map of Kamilche. ,--.- .- ""'- . Yu, file No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /{L'6 I SALE PRICE Rd, Sch,IPori PUD 1...f!.lL " ,,- 1/'24904 1/71 256490 Roy M. Taylor et ux 3 30g 3 LH $1000 - - - !i- - - YI I ~o9 3 4- /... H I . - 'c.~--. - ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved Impro....d TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Impro...ed IlmP'"o...em.nh I B, of E. IBuildingsl VALUE , 7..~:C ~. ~I '7 -- 11~ tS bS- 1-7'4 /If"% 1'::;> "" /~ 77 /~. /30 ~I JO J~(J /3CJ i~ ,-- ~~ C:"'y ~-- -- , . --- Lr.5 f'. "' /--1 71. d,. ,j , /r;'. V-}, . -'" , / .;" E I::'" 0, / //1/ ')r "KA' I" I,; 0 lOT BlK. - I , rrrJ OJ] , l l SEC. TWN, RSE. - , '" 1)1...,.. _f':. .to .s:. ....... . - . -- --,- That part of Lot 5 as shown as an unnumbered block inlthe plat of Supplemental. Map of Kamilche lying between the extended Nly and Sly line of Lots 5 & 6 in Block 4 of said plat and Ely of the vacated al.ley adjoining said Lots 5 & 6 on the E. ALSO: Tidelands lying in front of and between the extended Nly and Sly line of Lots 5 ~ 6 in Block 4 of Supplemental Map of Kamilche. ~\.:.. .-- .-"