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. Y... FIl, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 102.';- SALE PRice Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD -* <;2 10810C Chester L. Taylor i'1 1/l. ,f :>; :>;0<:; l ~ SF h ',,1,,":<"/9;;> - ~ i.p, !/:lf,jd @a..""",,'pfJ,. 11)r.,,~l.vL-vr../ Lj ;! 'rJ 1%-L 1196872 ~~ uI~ lexx") ,f( I Jfl.. ~ .!i -'=- JL #-'1:;1>11) v - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -) " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nne-- ----------------------------~---------~-----------------~-----;~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS G,f'C Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.oIE. (Buildings) VALUE 53 --A /71' 41'1 ~ ~ 53 ..y ~ 'f -Y ;/1 .30 .36 ~? -'In -<In 50 S"o _5x 7U9 L/, 1j .<;:0 - 65'" {,t, , ~ -70 -;::;t7 '70 ,-': Ii~tr /~ .7.tJ / 6 ~/j 1{1 /~% 3;:l!6 ~70 IJ ! 1/ -~ .. . ~I /7 '/:; ,;- 1'/'11-.:.- N 'I ? - <f<:- 17'/;.,.!.. I "l'l..?'::::- - lOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. 13' { '1/ D Lf~6D'o~.Qt "%,.. . . .Q ,nf'- :s,i. ~e:c.t:LoJl /_u _ ~,' . , .-::-:--:;. .....-.;:.~ .-.~} - - .- ,~."~~~-;.:: ~~~-. ' ~ ~; Formerly: Tr 6-F of Tr 6 Bgn at the NE corner which is ..i 8$055'25" .. 610.60' Th:'. ::; 0021'10" " J67.10' Thn r; $7" 42' VI along S margin of Co Ro 602.40' from ~ corner to Sees 10 and 11 Twp 19r RJ Will". Thn S 0002'40" W ~66.50' Thn S 89028'12" W 463.40' Thn N 0002'40" E 610.' to iron post (l~" pipe) on Sly r;,argin of Co Ro Thn SEly along s~id Sly margin of said Ro to pnt of ggn containing 4.89 acres more or less/. There is a private road across this tract long in use -Au/~ ~ ~(/T.d?J ~cV (?--?t/ a)4Y~ ~ ~ 6" .---- -e:--