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Y'.t FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1,;25 SALE PRICE! Rd. "h. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - <;2 1080<;1 Esther Reinsdorff l 3Q.2 3- 1L SF #' - - - he I~ PN-2! J9-~..J /S9.'::'./~~, ,rl. (--[) ;I 1.7. s. /.$67 J'I ( ~ - .3 !L L JL ----v - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----4If>---~~------------------------------~--~----~-------~----------------------~--~fe---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~ J'{) Year Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYlter Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ls"J .I < "r L;($~ ::1.S :z-s= " n ~ S3 ~Y..s- .</. y.s ..Eo .30 0'7 1f, yS~ -y. y.,r S-o 50 52 /j. 'Is- -i9s- I- g;7 f- ~~- th ~ ?t? 7~ "7/JJ -" F.i b' /tf,/t'J /h//? '11/ :/,.",~ g~ 3.:22.0 77 -;-. ,'. L/:',' j ,. gJ 17 "i.< 5"' 173~ .s- Cjtj tf- 'i .s- 'i'l.!j 173;.<!;) 113-;;::;- - LOT BLK. 'ffll'1~ fQif I G C (5 II 01 SEC. TWN. RGE. - "c.-. ", .T,.., Tl of E~ of Section , " ,I#~ ,_.~.~ ~-;-,._---t. . .- - .-. -..-..,",'':~ Formerly: Tr 6-D of Tr 6 Bgn at the ~e corner which is S 88055'25" W 610.60' Ihn S 0621'10" .: 307.10' frv:':' .. corncr to vCcs ~O ....ad. 11 T~I1-' 19r; Ii3 ....... hnOo 21'10" W 336.75' Thn S 89028'12" W 600' Thn N 00 02' 40" E 366.50' to iron post (lJ;" pipe) at Sly lYlargin of Co Ro Thn S 87042' E along s.aid margin. -:>602.42:'. to pnt of, bgn ../ y::? .. ~~ ;0 d---/-7 ~ /f){u ~v' u~ ~? H-7' / ...' " ' - .. ,~.~ ~.