HomeMy WebLinkAbout319101290050 Yaar Fill No. C NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / '-/ ;;- SALE PRICE' C 2754 Rd, Soh. Port POD FPD - ~ %017 Leland L. Hudson .l... .1Q.2. - ..L 4 L ~4- 159.x R ~. iI7 Ie-- _"9'-<.?~~, -..hd {y /7 ./:/ l2 /. "..JI/ ,7 {/ - - I- /5. -"~. ~"".10o ./ - - - l- e !,s- I~ .A d~. .~~ J [ J~. ,.f /., ~ 10<"" /7F'~ iLL f' / I LrJ.;R 1>-zr: /&! S2Jo. 1. ~/,,)t/ h - - - I- ~.s6.?/ :;,173 0nR36 Ij,",-f'1.0~ '/..t ~6/3 ~ J, 71'3 f', r; LdIi /.[.'/, ~ ;.&;;,3;:;:' t" '-- - ,"" y J - - '173 87~/i.f- ~6: ",' v .eI.." /"f- .d.3$s - tio '-"'s 11(75 3nbtJ'? lZI. (/ -.M -C r2 1/:.oJ.t-:lir ::e..< . - - - - -i1"e;)/~ii' ~:2.f)'lS 3ei) .md./3fr';,dt4t" fA) - - - - - - S/71 t'''''' 71Dn Vlffad .1" 1. HI, F5:i!3'5 - - - /nt'7lJo 7/7 f..:2,7.2;'7 ~cf...,I, ()~ ..d. !::it. - - - - , . 7 9 3b~'811 ~C 1.:,jj .J, ~~ < r~r.~iUx>o Jr b5 ~ 'Fn, . . t' ,~ " - "~ ~~ ~-=--- --.-. --..... - - ~:::':"" _.~=.,,-._- ',. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yo.. Oyltlr Tlmblr UnlmproVld Improved TOTAL Oy.tar Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementl B.oIE. (Building.) VALUE ..50 . , 5:37 /. 00 &-.37 c2 h.J /00<1 ~ ~o - 5l/ --- 5.37 .100 &,37 ,,?,f 0 do J,f<j{; AIft. 55' 3.;1;;- 1,00 ;/.:;!J'" / ?o ,;{O /t>oo /1'00 M ~~6""" <;4;J.!> /00- ~ ;;iff} .;;l "'!X) ~ ~ ~tJ5' ;U?~ 3etf3,g 2tL ;; ~ ,/,09 ....-~ ~/O /4) //. 'l" 1i ~t!,% J>j'tJ?d /tfi/.;l6 :;/.fS;!(O 12.... I.;?'I /.2/ 3~5 --e- 32S" 77 1.:)1,; /~)/6 rzl 1..;2. / I,d. / rJ.::'3(J 65311 SJ..... {.5!3CJ If:' Be , LOT BLK. ~O /;;JGJ.{)l~ .' SEe, TWN. ROE. ..... .... f>.. of' r ,- Formerly: E~ W~ Lot 2 ex. Tr. 1 DESCRIPTION: , (W! of Tr. A Short Plat #197, AF#30921l described below) Parcell: The S 129:70' as measured along in Mason County, Washington. the ~_~'bf the E"~ wt SW SE 3-19-3W.W.M., Parcel 2: The E! W! of Govt,Lo't' 2 10-19-3W.W.M., In Mason C01lllty, Washington. / EXCEPTING~refrom public roads. / Tract A of Short Plat #197, AF#309211 daf: All that ptn of the Er~ W~ SW SE of Section 3, and the E~ W! Of Govt Lot 2 of 10-19-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at thc SW corner of the E! w::, SW SE of Section 3; th N 030 52' 07" VI along the VI line of sd E! W! SlY SE 129.70'; th S ego 18' 26" E ~lel with the S line of 8n Section 3 l67.0~' to TPOB; th S 040 30' 55" VI 297.20'; th S 3';0 23' 12" E 2~.88'; th N 470 08' 0'5" E 251.85' + - to the E line of sd E! wt of Govt I,ot 2 in Sectirll :'.0; th N 000 41' 21" W alg the sd E line of E! W~ Govt Lt 2 11.00' .:!: - to the SE corner of E! Wt: of the SW SE; th :', 030 45' 48" ',1 ale; the E line of ad ~ W~ SW SE 129.68' + _ 'faCl ,"!h:'.ch is S 880 18' 26" E from FOB; th }; 880 18' 26" VI parallel with th9 sd S line of Section 3 167.03' + - to TPOB. . ~~_._- .- - .. ~. - ~ "........ . #-<lSoo$'3 ~W' ~ ~ f';;.",iPd',! fc . ( .. ) (}jl),h~/..._.;: -LJO-1:r>tfrt", 7_:' ~1' I 1. / ' . ? 1 , " Ye~-r-file.~r~-~-~-~--~~A~fAOf~~E~ ~ "1~~~-C 1~1~7~j :~ I' .f' ~ !/.f2,&o.1"(",, f/Ui- o/J',?, -t-%~(,l--~' . ' !i%.L!L!..:li..{!'L/4Jl..1<d..,~ tJ~ -,-- - --..,----.. 1- I ,Year I '. NUMBER OF ACRES T Timber I Unimproved I Improved I Oyd.r I CONTRACT TO ____!'~~R_'~TS / .1/-5" Rd. I~ :!'?!!- PU~ I fPD I I .1 ,_ I 7't68'.:?7,s- ~,,~ n 4A ..;.< 30r .3 Jj !L- : CA:!.f) -y;r...~.:JJ~ I 1Q9 ",Li!tJ..LlJ{1 <I7f3"~~ ,; ~~_ I tg_-="~;:-;;f SA~E :~Cf , -, -- - TOTAL +1 ~, ~~.~.., -'- VALUATIONS Oyst.,. I. Timber Unimproved 1 Impro....d Improv.m./lt'j B. of E. (Buildln91J ..!IN ue