HomeMy WebLinkAbout319101170000 V.., FU. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO I Rd DISTRICTS /</.:.- SALE PRICE ISch. IPort IPUD I FPD I 68 Francis A. ao:~ers Cascade Land C 0.3 30 3 4 L H --- 68 2"'l6081 J.D.Austarrl ilh-; 3aO({dJl ld -:;v. /, " /I / 3tJ9 t/- L iI if 3 bf1ln ,$/${AR l f 1./ ,e 7)~C -e-fU-</- .?J;;, :1/.S/61f7 L1. -~. h" ''u .1?7.~ J'lIL/1 3 =:;..r ')/ ) ~A' . J' C4. ,d' R_ ?")" ... 5"7657 (" " j '" tdilu"~ 4<.,. ? dY"1'7""'\ . ,- , ". v.., I 0"... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved Impl"o....ments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE In g"c ~- .5: () () ~11 60 "0 -'?'/I .- 1;0 '5{ /~C) /.:t fi? 11/J1 /JI'H? jo - ., ~4d h K'~'L' ., ~","" Ll "\ ~ , . . ~', ,.-,.:~. '- x I ;(<10 <"1 Yo 9r .::; A!'.J ':-:tJO ;;, </ 'J '-'. '/CJ LOT ,LJ(, ~ \ lct! , '0 U '"10: (ialQ sec. TWH. RSE. ~ '" >.,~- A_' _~ " " 1. .. .~.~ ~ ~'+-.- - Roads known as Emerald Drive and Emerald Lane desc,.ibed as follows :c~ A 60' .dde roadway lying 3D' on each side of U,8 folowin" descdbed line: Se"inning at a point on t, ,e N li'1e of Govt Lot 1, :-: 89~23 '43" 'if 30.025' ~rom the NE corne,. thereof; thence S I049'39" E oara11el with the E line of Govt Lot I, 294.36'; thence l\ 89"2I'12" 'd 101.28'; u'ence alone; a curve to tile left, having a radius of 249.11', a distance of 173.91'; thence S 50oYl"+8" tl 33B'; t;len~e alona a curve to the ri?ht, havillg a radius of 143.24', a distaf,~e of ZOO'; thence along a curve to the ri~ht, tbe radius of wh ch bears ~, 40038'48" E 121.54' distar.t, a distence of l39.8B'; thence H 16"35'10" E 402.66'; thence Ii 73024'50" ,j 20' to the radius DO; nt of a 50' radius ciccle; s'lid radius point lying 50' Sly, wh0n measure>j ilt ri,~ht anele~ to the ,; line of 30vt Lot 1; saici l'lnd lyina within the above described 50' rad~us circle is also a o~!'t of t~e ahove des~ribed 60' '..ace -oa>jway. ALSO, together wich a :.0' 'Ni:!e road",ay, attached to the 'l1-;ove describe:! 60' ',cide roadwa;r, lying 20' on ech side of the following described ce1terline: 3eginning c.t a point t',at lies 20' S 73024'50" E and 481.50' S 16035'10" tl from the r~dius point 01' the a')ove mentioned 50' radius circle; the'1ce S 79"'52'57" 'If J..vC.]f,'; thence ;, IOOO?',)3" .; 30' to radius point of a 50' rad'.us cj rcle, said land l'ring ~ithin s"lid 5C' raclius circle is also a part 01' the aJove described 40' wi:::8 ~oa "<C!y. Com~unity use area described a6 follows: SZGINNING ~t the N~ corner of Govt Lot I, running th8r~e S 104"1'39" E alone; E lim of Gn\-t Lot ::.., 670.B3' to the me3.nder corner between sections 10 ':0 11; +:-.ence alo',- t:,e '1l8ande:o line 01' Skookur, In'et S B50I0'Ol" 'If 323', S 39017'Cl" d 242', :: 61"39'59" ,i 230', ;,130"02'59" ",,224', S 74003'01" " 1?0~ 'l.nd 0' 22039' 59" ,i 11.1.0':>' to 1.;>.; thence continuLlg 'l.long sc.id 'Tleander line II 58'" 07' 27" z )B.91'; lh''1~e N 24"50'36" E 106.50'; ther.~e S ~60lO'53" E 241'.61'; thence S 16035'lO" .! :3.67'; thence Sly on a curve to the left, having a redi us 01' 151. 54 ') 66.44'; thence S 79"52'57" ',/ 43.B9' to a. poir.t '''' 8. curve the r..vUus of which beRrs ., '1'3"34'5,)" d 50' distant: thence !J','ly An,] SEly alo:1g said cu~ve a distance 01' 2l.5)69'; thence S 7002J'04" ,,23,Q.52'; thence S 89"11'30" ,i 31.44' to 1.P. ALSO, th'l.t part of ti:ielanas lying in fro:1t Of.. adjacent to "'In abutting 0'1 fol1ow:i"'~ described line: Re<;inninge J.~~ oe., .....v..point=un__"'fi.l;;t.;"",=-llu~ A 3~irtet tl=.38"52'59" lS-Q.th04 0_ _~_o_ and S 22039'59" E 43.50' from the S,1 corner of 30vt Lot 1; ,.urnin<: thence S 22029'59" E 200.75' to termin'll Doint. ~om:nunity recreation and watar suonly area, descdbed as foUaws: R"GHf\lHIG A7 Anoint th'lt lies 360.05' N B9"23'43" Ii and 159.43' S ~35'15" J from t'ce H'<; cor :e" of Govt Lotl; thence N 76052'21" /1272.54'; t ence S 16"'35'lO" :i 36',.66'; t'lence Sly alon" a curve to the left, having a radius of 91.54' a cista'1'e of 105.35'; thence ~ly along a curve to the left, the radius of wh.!.ch he8.rs ~1 40"33'48" E 113.24' a distance of 15B.11'; thence N 50038'4'3" E 55.50'; tloence N 39021'12" /1121.68'; thence N 42"'00'00" E 343.86' to 1.P. Y.., FiI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /:/;..> SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. I Port I PUD J FPD I I 68 Francis A. Rogers , scade Iand Co. 3 Joe J 4 L H - 68 224485 " " ~YI/ 1:,)' )" 1 .A.vase %/. .3/5ul8 [i... J 7:M/---b... 71;;, " " " J1/ ltJ9 I-/- L 1/ / .3 7h ~~ - , c) 0 ~".9P .7 ~'" -! '2f?:c...a.2 ~jJ . ""-/(/ "/fO 3:?3(,3ti 7. (}d.!'- "Ji /~ \ n " "'''', 0/30 3"83'1/ / !. li'~ &v., Jh, ,'i. .1 :fl." ."..'" c..PP.5.:s;. 13.b-o(tr) .P:;;!" (f - . . , -- . Y.., I 0,.." NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Imp"o....m.nts B. of E. (Building.) VALUE 1St) .sCJ 1'10 I." 1;,% 60 60 l'1d /.1(1'% ./~ /.5(0 177 /.,;fO " ,0 ,'" --. QJ /0< () /~O LOT BU<. 0 I I : : : . , [j SEC. TWN. RSE. I .,; , _1. ~ ., . ,