HomeMy WebLinkAbout319094290090 I CONTRACT TO DIST~ICTS /~;- I R~. $el>. I PQ" IPUD! fPD I I , " .~ ,,' I 'I I j.l.7\l;"9bq~~~ 'G'.R.Grllgersenetal +3 O~+- f--3t1.-,...1+ H #38065' , l 'f1'Uy.J krJ'..JJ,,; lif:, _ +,~ .Q S 6c~ 0..c, '1 ,I? {] ~ J J lo,.J.I/7.,., > t?6"';,' "''''70-'<' .-10", ,.J)I ,..,..1"[';;- -- +- #7.3~~,!: , '(/l1.trJ0;LI3WIrL -b. !<;t ) 1-+ +-+ c ,~ ;", l.il.lf~>' J ,,~~j;:-, t-~+-rf0l.H+- _tb;;::;&'~E~ L~~4s..U~ rt <! :x. /_ ) -I- #....S09/~ 't/l60_~,+ +-1--1- ,~'f -- - --I-' -- I- j- , I- u. n __ __I- -I- -- -I-.+- -I- ,I-, ,_ .------1- +- ,j- .1, ,f-- , - -- -1-' .- -+- t~- t ,_, _. .,f-- 'I-....L....L _L I Y.a~ I File No. -~ JOj7 28545~ Albert_C. Lord 17{ 13433.1. , . 4JJ'l. jC,rJ:3Yf ~I f101.51 Ski 3fo?,J5 ~i2 42?J~ I--- ,-- _.- ' - /% -:: ii'n~"O, NAME ot OWNER .~ {bUV ,-- -- --I-- , - ,- j- . . I I VALUATIONS , : I I Ilmprovemenh I Vear Oyder Timber Unlmproyed Improved I TOTAL . Oyst.r Timber Unimproved, Improved , (Blllldlnljls) - . 4~k'*~~ I~~ ' , ! -l ,-- ,- ,- - l#~5j:-, - t---,--~~t- ,-, ,t,/.~ 'f-'d-.d.%_ -- J~L~, ,'- n' 1/- t- 1';- 1------ ,--- f--/~":> O_f--_'u' '.-'1-----, - ,- ,- 1-' ------ " ,J.L__ __ ._ ___ _, 3t"i5(] ,_ ---' --- f-- --- -.f-------- - 1.2Z..~iu_ +_:.:15+_',/ti_ -- _ __.di2.~_f--_. 9tJ- , _ ,_ . -f-- _ ,_ _,_ _ __ _ _..!JL.!: C/ , NUMBER OF ACRES "l3 17J'+ ,--- -1-.,- - - t -- -- ' - -- - ---- ,_. -- - ~-,- +- I f---- ,-,+---- I- -1--- 'L, , -- +--., .-t-- ,___,___n___ ,__' ___ ,. -I--, -- --. -, 1--- ': I LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. os.. f3JJ~.D&fO of Govt Lot 2 , /'1'::..r~-~ ~ 1ract 9 , 3 SA.lE PRICE B. of E. VALUE I I//:J~ . ./:5CJc 3::::.:.. I' I'~/-' .~ IV/p~ ,,:) /f/.sC! FORl1ERLY: ~ COMMENCING at a point 145.42' S & 2737.08' E of the W quarter corner of said See 9; thence S 36026'02" E 610.18'; thence S 70026'59" W 144.65'; thence S 39044'58" W 127.79'; thence N 79029'33" W 190.12'; thence S 01035'22" W 299.77'; thence S 04010'41" E 625.78' to IP of the tract of land hereby described; thence N 74000'00" W 310', mil, to the W line of said Gov't Lot 2; thence South, along said W line, 410', mil, to the Sly line of said Gov' t Lot 2; thence NE1y, along said Sly line, to IP, EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. (Tract A of Short Plat #1199) All that ptn of C-ovt Lt 2 9-19-3W.W./1., daf: Cbmrencing at the intersection of the Sly line of Lynch Cb Rd as conveyed to M'ison Cbunty by QeD recorded under AF#197103, with a line which bears N 360 14' 06" W 610.18' from an existing l~" iron pipe, sd intersection point being descrited as "145.42' S and 2737.08' E of the W '" oorner of sd Section 9", in various deeds of record; th S 360 14' 06" E 610.18' to a 1~" iron pipe, th S 700 13' 21" W 144.65'; th S 390 31' 20" W 127.79' th N 79043' 11" W 190.12', th SID 21' 44" W 299.77'; th S 40 24' 19" E 625.78' to POB, th N 740 13' 38" W 305.51' to the Wly line of sd Govt Lt 2, th S 00 32' 59" E alg sd W1y line, 30'; th S 340 41' 04" E 261.24' to the SEly line of sd Govt Lt 2, th NEly alg sd SEly line of Govt Lt 2, 217' + - to POB, EXCEPTING therefran road rights-of-way. .s(('< Sf( ItCIl7/5r1 r.",j .--- . t.."c..('.... T~-c... fY' .L.J C-.. 'Z- , I > If, <(</7(;,-. ( ViI.'? .::j:::U~ ~~" d',,:{J T..E. );!--~ ;.< A'c..>'-<-I'4'41'"(IJdo.-) , / , /~ " I L /~ ~ -- I I I Year File No NAME of OWNEfI CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /75 SALE PRICE ;),,q1 (p if:J. R1, ISC~.- I Porl- -: PUD I fPO !-! I I J:t .J/;;" .S.y I 2/]4 ,?f!8~5?-:" J ame_s _K. Bennett et we _...3. 09_ , _3_ _4 L H n - - , .- .- - -- - , .- n - ___iLl _ ~4LI- _1-3_ 1-1/ j... f( - - - n - -, - -- - -- -!O. I- ' I- ,- ,U -- - - -- ,- -- , , . - I- 1-- -1-,- - - -~- - --.- ---- 'n' - - l- I- - c- - --- -- - - I- --, -- I- - I- - 1-.- - -- I--- - -, ..... - --. -- -- - l- I- _.- I- -- - - .. - .- - ,- - - -- , - . -- , - - , - I- , --, .-- - - _ I- - ,- - - - - I- - - - l- I .- . ,- - no - r 1-- - - -- ---- - - - -- ,-, - - - - I--- -. - -- --- - ~---- _._- -- - , - - I-- I- + -+ 1_. - I I I I I v.., I 0,..., . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS .. limber I Unimproved Improved TOTAl, I I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Ilmproyements ' B. of E. I ',tD I (Buildings) VALUE 7~ I ~~O I I -4=- ~ I __ ./tJ d'~ ,LLO'lTO I--- ' t,~~ 00 T - - - - - 177 ):;' -,1 I - ---- - ---" +-- , - , -~_.......- "- --- I ~ 21- I1c ( __ ?r'N .' 1------- -- .c."m ._, 1---- -, - , . I- (2=" - ,::--- , - - ,- -- . !------ ,- ._- - ---- .- I-- --,' - 1-- - - 1-- -. -- ,-- I L . __ ~ - 1_, UL' /' 'n -- 1-..., ~ -- -- --~~ n 1----., I- ,- --, - -- -'- -- - , - -- 1---', -- - ---- ., - ---- ->--- --, --- ,-- , -- , I-- . --- -1--, - - -,-, -- - -- , - I-- - 'I- - --. --, -- 1---, -1--- . --- I-- -- I----- - ___PO I- , : LOT BLK. ., I i SEC. TWN, RGE- L Ii : , .-- - 10 ~ .n...o;f Govt T^t 2__ /~3~~ --- - 1'-- Commencing at the intersection of the W line of Govt Lot 2 with the Sly R/W line of the Lynch County Road; thence S, along the W line of said Govt Lot 2, 522' to the I.P.; thence E, at right angles to said W line, 208'; thence S, parallel with the W line of said Govt Lot 2, 208'; thence W, at right angles to said W line, 208', more or less, to the W line of said Govt Lot 2; thence N, along said W line, 208', more or less, to I.P. -..." " --..,,-..-- - -~'--"-.,-,... -------,----'-- , -.~-