HomeMy WebLinkAbout319094290030
Year ,~:n. No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO - ~co
(n,.4'n Rd. Sch. Port PUO FPD I I , o QGO
f..r>. ~ ~~O~-?~:t C. Lord G. R.Gregersen et II 09 , L H $10 000
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n e 50 r. e u I $105.000
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Yel!lf I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I .'Q~ter- Timber Unimproved I Improved I Improvements ; B. of E.
, (Buildings) ( VALUE
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BI>6a #2)8179.
e~ING at a point 145.42 feet S & 2737.08 feet E of the W quarter corner of said
See 9;'-thenceS 36026'02" E 61O.18'; thence S 70026'59" W 144.65'; then9-eS 39'044'58"
W 127.79'; theii.(ie"N--79~'33" W 190.12' to the point of begifll!i.ng--of'--the tract of land
hereby described; thence~'Oto~~~2" W 299.77'; thenc3_W,-270', more or less, to the W
line of said Govt Lot 2; thence N, ar~-Hn:e. of said Govt Lot 2, 850', more or
less, to the Sly Rjw line of the L!Dch--eounty-Road~'".t!tence E, along the Sly R/W line
of said County Road, 220'"...more""or less, to the centerlltre'-ef._1<he creek; thence SEly,
along the centerJ.1ne,'of.'said creek 300', more or less, to a point-N--43"~'02" E of the
point of beginiilng; thence S 43048'02" W 253.51', more or less, to the poiiit" of. b~
gi.mrl:"ng... EXCEPTING__therefrom road rights.,.of-way. C".. (\ , 8 ;{
(Now Tract I of Short Plat #1032) ~ ~i,..(..'U)Jl~ 'Cf7
A tr of land in Govt Lt 2, 9-19-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the inters~ion of the Sly
line of Lynch Co Rd as conveyed to Mason Co by QCD recorded under AF#197104, with a line
which bears N 360 14' 06"W 610.18' from an existing I 1/2 inch iron piep, sd intersection
point being described as 145.42' Sand 2737.08' E of the W 1/4 corner of sd Section 9
in various deeds of record; th S 360 14' 06"E 610.18' to a I 1/2 inch iron pipe;th S 700
13' 21" W 144.65'; th S 390 31' 20" W 127.79'; th N 79043' II" W 190.12' to POB;
th N 240 56' 39" W alg cll of an existing road 28.82'; th N 330 37' 30" W 203.29'; th
N 5019' 53" W 253.10'; th N 23017' 23" W 99' +- to the Sly rlw line of Lynch Co, Rd;
th in a Wly direction alg sd Sly rlw I ine to the Iv 1 ine of sd GL 2; th S 00 32' 59" E
816' +- to the NW corner of a tr of land sold to Frank A. Hughes by instrument recorded
under AF# 285453; th N 890 46' 22" E alg the N I ine of sd Hughes tr, 251' +- to the
NE corner of sd Hughes tr; th N 10 21' 44" E 299.77' to POB; EXCEPTING rd r/w.
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