HomeMy WebLinkAbout319090073380 V..r FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I'IS- SALE PRICS Rd. 8ch. Port PUD FPD b;Jbi ) - - - - - - '>2 Port Blakely Mill Co. ( l m 3- .L.... - :L - '7:fs 'f'I7&;<7 .,tJtYlt 8!J4 ?7)~~~7 ~ In -C rk. 't 3.s>L / tpt:..-? J7 / Joy - 13 !L L iL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . ---- --~--~-----------------------------7-----------------------------------------~-~~ ---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oyder Timber Unimproved Improve6 TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 53 if),,/. ( o O"(J' , egcJ ~2 ~ k:' b Jidfj / / tiC) J'tll .,'::; 11-1 ,.:; ;:) tJ I ,2.:]. eM J(;j /tJiJAJ w,,'" 91L#O TI ,tjl.{,j, .Lf L1' r ~ IKL 'I 'iCJ 0 'I floo '[4 I ~ ;; ,:~ ~ (, '1'10:' "/Y'~-j , - LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. crtT'1lQ'1 /) 6,.,7 33 8fQ ,." , ."Wax? ... ,- , '.- . '~-'- . " , , " , ,--",.:... '. ~ All tide lands o:f the CJQcond class m-med by the State o:f Washil1[;ton lying ;etrreen the li:::lG of neaa 10 ! ticle and the 1 tne o:f extreme low tile andinfronts of lot 5, 6 3ection 9-.19-3 Lot 2-3-4 Sectlan. 16-19-3 being now pJ.rticul rly ::le ':c1'::'b Jd as lying in front of --=h05e t:::acts of tide lands deeoded tJ sail Port Blakely I,Till C.;. Nov. 16, 1894 , under application 941 and 943 and cle,::icribe.i by metes ad bounds as followS; BeGinninc~ at the corner to Sec. 9, 10, 15, 16 -19-3 w. II. Ii:. t:1enCe West 27.89 chains tot'::e f13ander corner for the]oint of beginning -i.;;:ence Lo,th 71'22' ;1:ast 2.858 cll 'ins ::orth 45030' East ;:.598 cl,ains Harth 28057' East 3.196 c:.,.ins ;,,)rth 35025' East 2pv chains l:orth 60001' Esst 1. 88 c:;uins :'o:2t11 50017' J:o.st 3.047 chains iiorth 3r04' J:ast 6.112 chai ns, Harth 56059 '3ast 3.965 Cho.ins Eorth 4045' .:cst 4.870 cho.ins l:orth 8040' East 2.26 chains ::0:::-t1:33 007' ','fest 2.415 chains ;:orth 33023':':a:Jt 3.70 chains Horth 62048' :::ast 3.97 chains ::orth 6006/ ';ast 4.995 cha:~!ls ::ortr 2~29' East 4.202 Jhains ;:orth 3502';' :lst 1.855chains North 4r3if>' East 2.247 chlins ani Horth iTorth 37047' :O:ast 2.50 chains to the "eander corner on the Sec line betvieen Secs 9 and 10 Tvrp 19-3 'J. ','i. M. thence lJo~'tl, 1.176 c1'ains thence South 62051' 'Hest 3.361 c;aias South 35027' ,'lest 3.755 c:'mins S:mth 13041' ':lest 1.356 chair,s South 41041' ;[est 8.70 chai.s South 21011' '.:est 12.90 c,.ains South 750 25' '.'Iest 3..03 chaLls South 36020' ';!est 8.44 chains South 660 20' ':lent 3.35 chains and South 52007' 'Jest 21.598 chains thence ec.st 16.3<.;3 c:lains to the ;;cander corner and place of bcc;innin: also See sec 16. . .~,