HomeMy WebLinkAbout319083400010 :=- 'iI. No. d I'hi 1/.. N)f'EO~;'739"9 66 16099C Richard Lafond I t.f. '1 J.27!S" # 1,7 ;:C:ffJ07"1 ~.//t'..tP.ll~""'/. &J ' 7.< ~I'I- '-' CLASS. FOREST W;:W 8t.a3 -le NUMBER OF ACRES ~u Order nmber Unimproved CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /,;1.5 Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD ~ ~OC 'J? -1_ .fl. I. ..... 3'( ..L 30 't fCfJn ~ L ~ f----- 3!LLH ~---- ...... I SALE PRICE -It'- / .53 . ~"S-/~p , -I- ---- --f---------- I Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE _ I /t:>O_ i $;?O__ _ I 1'75" IIL4~_ 3J>.~ _ 36.;20_ ~2'dJ _ Mb5. ,--------1-1 VALUATIONS h1t'~ Timb" Uoimp,md I /dJO .3 tflJ! ~J: Rm j>sa =tF 3Jh(j) ~6 7~:fb ._" r Improved Improyed TOTAL Oyster ~... tl. 1.1.: J.I ~ 1t4. * C~~.. F.:<?~S~ /!./?J 71 77 7K 7'1 fie ?J .s;oc /~r.1Jd . Cao /r,oc /;;:/0 ,Is: ~ /f./o /'/1. )' /J It M ..0. j ~, , 'j , _. -.~ '. - tl . / /" ' I LOT ILK. I SEC. TWH. RGE. . , 0 ~. 13ft /7),) 17?:~; ,'03 -:: /7:e,r / .' /7'/0 , Tr~i't~;9l 120.66 ['-"'CLASS. FOREST . / ~3 9t.~ / (') '2- I 1 ?:'~.. [, . ) /'.-;- ---,--- /.... - .'(..,.:...;y I 17'70 , - ~------~- -~~- .. That portion of the SE SW lying E of the W 20 acres of that part of the , SE SW lying Nly of county roac,knownas Lynch Road. .; ,~.. \Osac. '." (-'.-----: ~~.. - ~ -:.. -~~--- --- ..~ ...... ,- I I I I I I I I T , ~;~, .- NUMBER OF ACRES 1 I VALUATIONS . C .tf () Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r Oyster Timber Unimproved I Impr::n',d Impro....m.nh B. of E. - (BlIild;n(~l\1 VALUE .i2 "H 10 /J. /J If 10 1906 /'/LJ t1 k !!./o 1f,10 /9~() /1;;'0 9r: [.. I ~11O 1~'iO tL _.J.f./O 1f,IO 177S' /'175 . --,-- - -- ---- 1----- ---- --- . I -- ~-~...- ---- ---- I-, 1.-- .- _n -- ---- ---.- 1---- - ,==1 --_.- ------ 1---- - -- I- ---- .. - I r --~-- ---- , ,____1 ! I i I , G N~OWNER. I OlsmlCTS /.25 Y.., FII. No. CONTRACT TO SALE PRIes Rd. leh. Port PUOIFPD 700/9 . "J //,,/4 - -- L - 52 96776 Simpson Logging Co. 3 )09 3 -A. )~ - -<'. (3) c--;;,- ) . , {I ,pi 1.. M .3 .!L .L JL C-- - C-- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -I ____~_--~~-~--~~~~:~~:~:-~~~-:---~-~~-~---------------__~________________~:_~____:~c~~____ NUMBER OF ACRES ~ V ALUA TlONS Vear Old.' Tlmbtr Ul'llmprovld Improved TOTAL Oyd.r 11mb., Unlmprond Improved Improvements B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 5~ 150.96 150.96 160 160 ~ -- ~OO .5>0:0 ~ / AJ05 /'::<05 2!L REFO 1Escr :""~. .f?-Y/a .;<1'/0 r ROW 1"'"/..- I . 'I ,f, f .. r.... I (. ~ ~ " 1 , I LOT BLK. ACRES NE SE 40.00, NW SE 34.81, SW SE 36.15, SE SE 40.00 SEC. TWN. ROE. J I I I . ..1 J~-,~::;.,hl -..,.-.... '. ~ *' : I ." .~~. I - ...\.. . _.c._,_."-,-,,.~ . _. .- - - ~'~""r:, i -=- ~--4?A:_~ .-Rd.J .C....- .;.. l<t'" ~ ,;;(-10 j; /.3 ;;.;-- 1/ ( 7 -YEX. RR