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Y... FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS It/.:- SALE PRiCe 1355 101394 Rd. So,. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - 52 109745 Thora K. Peterson Solwo1d 6da~tdq.:,,& .9 ~09 3 L ~P !/J!L l:::;j;; f!:;;!::;.t& . " .:L agq!iJ./ /500 r-- - - I-- /J ~6"".':,-7~1 !.tl.s- i3888,,~ ?I .L 1.& 7 -3 !L .b JL &J ~~ &s;, .!r 5,,'70:< - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ., ., -"V' . . . ~ ..- ~.' . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Oyster Timber Unlmprond I Imprond TOTAL Oyala, Tlmb" Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ':3 ?:so ;; -c Ie, co I,Po (() /S"cJ ..3 ;70 . ,.!J .H. 7, 5""C ,;;., so /tJ,o 0 l,f{) &0 t/J'o 7;;<0 .!j&, ?,<?"o 3,50 /C,{) () /,f6 //0 <?f'.?{) 770 ~/ 53f 3,50 ~g9 ..z ?'o 90 /.5/0 /K'bo I~~r ~t.o 7'0 ;;;':':;lrJJ ~5"7o .6k - $Jf J?rl1 - 440 ~o ;:JP. a & --- .5""..Q; - :;'~S ~ ,~ ?;g 1'75 t!7 5;,50 W~() Pi /_~ ~t') /~~o / .g.fcJ(} D- R' .('1 5? '9 R;;'fO 131':-:'''' ;21t,1) .2L ;(?'ooo t.JIICJ u (,,7/tJll 11/ yr, " I F.P9 ;:;'~OtJ ~J- l/ II ()tJ r:, 71"6- LOT BLK. . . , . IEC. TWN. ROE. [3 r cr tYB33(50'6-;J...O 19 3 ., Tr_~c t. a <>i' .Jl.lLSw .' .' . ....-...- ... .. Formerly: si N~ s~ SW SW & Ni S 10 acres in SW SW ex. R/W /,// ~ 2f., JM ~ (/9& /) ~ /7~'7/C> ~ '"':':.' . -~.~-