HomeMy WebLinkAbout319067590072 v.:; I -File ~(),.- r----..-.'-----NAME of O'^'~----I-'- CONTRACT TO /llgo 3S!!J7'ftJ P I ';/Rr 313I33-. .n.e..L....S.abJ c;i"rnm Ai" ."" CE.Uz1h.e.:th.L____ ; ~no ~"i.IHLFg,g-z.. 4L~~/1Ah(~?'f' -.2lcoi)~ (1<1f~ -- --- ----f-----. DISTRICTS /~S- R"d':"TSch. i P?riIPU1:q-fPD I I ----I i : 3.JA_Ly.J:L' ! I I I -,~-+~LI'Li fll ,,; I f- ~r- ----- -- ----+---- . NUMBER OF ACRES 1. I I 1_ 0,,,., Timber Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL 1i-- '61 1'1 j-3j' /.3.s:' /. "l Y / 3&' -f----f----- 1-- --- ------- --1--------1- -----.. -+---.- - .---.- --.------ 1--- --1------1---- ----- LOT SEC. BLK. TWN, , ! JIIIm::t~ ... '.T". :i:"-r- n-,?:".'"./"'''''''....",,''''''. .._",roG! . ..' 'P"~ RGE. '^ "..3-._ I----- f-- VALUATIONS ---. Unimproved I Improved ~f\t7l~ .,~ .. Improyem.n" I (BuildinQ') /~5tJ 'I f S-u ~gt)O ~;ALE PRICE #67320 $32000 won~ /frf'lJ-f;~ tiJlJp .. m~ 8. of E. VALUE /'/SC; 'I!?~D t'i50 I 1___- :__.==1 1---- I ; i - '---. c. Tr B of 5p #746 That portion of the NW of the 5E of 5ec 6-19-3, described as fol lows: COMMENCING at a point on the N.I ine of said NW 5E N.86054'03" W.326.87' from NE corner thereof; thence 5.3001 '27" E.404.3/ '; thence N.86054'03" W.20' to the TPOB; thence 5.3001 '27" E.243.85' more or less, to'a point that is 5.3001 '27" E. 648;'16' & N.86054'03" W.346.87' from the NE corner of said SID; thence N.86046'23" W,244.24'; Thence N.02038'37" E to a point that is N.86054'03" W of the TPOB; thence 5 86054'03" E to the TPOB, excepting therefrom Rd rights-of-way. ..-, ~~~, - -~ 0 ___., tv'C>P 413~/~7 ....\. '/1-/ 1> I\!. ~t/ S ,J 1/19 ,- NVJ:5 E , f)~ " --1 (", T' t .'\ (> ~'- "'ul <:- F "~