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v....-r-;:::--r---.-H'-----'---NAME Of-;"~----I-.-~ONTRACT TO "/gO 385i1'/-O I 3/8C _~_!3733 _l'Iayne T. Sah I strom ,et ux (E 11abe~__ !il~:l1.!.!Ig__~f ::,Lw.;.S~ J UV) 3 D.IST~ICT5 /45-- SAlE PRICf Rd. ~i!1!L PUE2..1 fPD I I ' .J _ I ! I J"- 3 : 4 i L: H : #6732v . I , I < ,,'~~ 3 '1'-4""lL ~ i "- ~:'!:i<r.s (.UcP ~i-J~ ~j') 111Q... I ' I ~ 309 Sf f "3tJ'j _m__ ____u__ ',_00______ -- --1---..-..---- _ _____ _m.._ ---- [- - ~"., . NUMBER OF ACRES ~n ;l,..J//~ ;:(. 'k TOTAL H_ ,:I, <If/.> :{, 'i h Oyster - - . VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Impr~Vld Improy.m.nts B. 01 E. (BvildlnQ'J VALUE 'f()S'O i(.,;;.o /;;J 700 It/bOO /7000 :< 7(,00 It (. 00 ' /7t!J0" _.:n ("aD Timber I Unimproved Improved ..& III f----- - 1- ------ ---'- 1--- I 1__- :__==1 1--- I : ---------.... ---. --- un _____ ------------ - LOT SEC. ~. BlK. TWN, 19 :C..:., ~ .. OGo. 3 ".,':___',0 Tv.""",,,.,:7.. ---- I ! I L ~ I (q, Ci. i4 . ,,"-...., , D. fi 7/1 .' \.. _.~/~ '. J, -~'_",-' -.- .~--:.:,.~~ ...'0~i;..'" I """--- r:' .,....--'~.._,-~~.-,~.__.- Tr. A of Sp #746: That portion of the NW SE of Sec 6-19-3, described as fol lows: BEGINNING at a point on the N. I ine of said NW SE N.86054'03" W.547.04' from the NE corner thereof; thence S.86054'03" E. 220.17'; thence S. 03001 '27" E.404.3I'; thence N. 86054'03" W. TAP that is S. 02038'37" W.of the POB; thence N.02038'37" E. TPOB, exce~fing therefrom Rd. rights-of-way. --~c----->.~---~~_- - ------ -- / r JI i//I ~,-.=- ,/ '8'~::' ~/ ' ~.-' 7 t> ~ 'Ii! ~(1 ~ I/"!:,;- -~ ,.-" .. -. ..- t(.it?P FOI H..{," I J --;; "" 1\ ~ 't -,1'0- ,I\"',.r-: Year FlIe No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / fLS- SALE PRICE! Rd. "h. Port PUD FPD - - - - <;;:> Charles Somers ....2 3QS l L - - - bS- I" ,,,",.d,c. ~t>-?<V CiJJ,.,/~~~ ~ ..:?397 - '/1'7 3:13,9j-:;" ,9/ m 4- .b.. 1L ~ ~, .rSo 7(,,:. . Rr-<AldLe-))~), ~ <1u, /it;/c.b ( ..3...- '06 J11.J~J3 ffj:f I:Q... ...I JP...." jf;:, .-1- Z-v Z<:'J;'?", s- .a.'Z1 I IV - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----4IIf~-~--~-~~-~--------------.--------------~-----------~----- -, ~. ~-.,..,.$J --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 5~ ,<P-(. LLLf / () 10 &11 ..1/"/ . .y 7'" Ii<: ,S-O S-o " ~ ~ttJ bcO 'l'1J 1<Y1 Z. fY,r; 4/0 '7t 1""c1PZ f€M ,fM -";L E'frJ [~c ~I .'/1 ,-If . 2~o ,.?~:- 6 '/1 95'0 %5'"0. >('/ , {.-":. .. ,,",\. <:..t .. . . . " . . .\ '--"/; . . - LOT BLK. -~-~ . I 1 t I ... SEC. TWN. RGE. ; , , -, , . -' ~ .,...- '.