HomeMy WebLinkAbout319053190000 You FI.. H.. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /"'~ IALE PRice Rd. So.. Port PUD FPD t:;? 1 no.,t:, Floyd D. WattAT'S ,Tl'J. ..2. 3.Q.2 1:<; L 5 P "i""-,rt2' 5"/ S4C /553/0 ---:.J:... .. tfI:'.o / _.J- t/ 10 n e-o .l;X J/}-:?, _n/ / le{" ", :. ) /4~ L, t ./ _J t. %! -1- ~ 3 t-I l- ff- ,e/" :it // #'11 00. d -j / J }'-~~, ~t o~ ~ -=d l~rE' "i;" ~, t /(,.;7.5"- .,-y ~ I<Z/ A/J ,7~ ,1 ~., /./1// /! ' /1( 'Y '\ V- I / - - - - - -- e-'" .. .-.,.... .., - ..~.--~. -- .,~----- --- ----------...--- ~.;r -- , . NUMBER OF ACRES , VALUATIONS (",,fO Y... Oyl\er Timber UnlmproYN IMProVed TOTAL DJolu Timber Unimproved IrRProYN Improv.m.nU 8.ofE. (Bulldlnp) VALUE 5-"), '-1-/1..-1. '-1--0, /) )..Ct-c/ ;2.c1cJ .51 1//).00 10,cjo .300 Boc:> 6""f -/{/ 0 () y-0, ['J';; !,;,/o &/() _J; 'fiJ. 0 () '11, Ii v_~ /(0 () /(. r:> b , JitNiJ .;:J,&t/> 1t]1!" - I/fd .11{) I~"'e) - ~ .;?OtJtJ I-7J :55;';J(t.. ~;?O - ~M ~/~ tJ -,~ r:?/ - /7.'/..-< 7' 3//@ ! ,'/;.-r.c.- E//~ I~ h 3~~ .Ji.tf:'~I') - ~ ~~<f) .:li'{'& ,;;}r?~tJ I/....I'it I~ I~%'d/ ;J " ~ ~ 7"7 1 t. 7.c; J, DO 17,75 11-/1).2.5 1-f L;,.?<Io 5931;..5 "(~ . . 1"7<1 / 3.J'3 1,00 -;;, R 3 '1980 1/53'/0 SC8:l0 '" <6/ , , /10590 7~oo() 9\;< s" 9 0 '61/ 3,,'3 I. DO 4, r; 3 1900{'< 76000 rt'~~Of\~ i LOT BLK. 111Cf.~ .fCfnNf BEC, 1'21"1 j TWN. ROE. , . '''-''> .. . . ", :;;-----~ ., ~ ~ '-. '--'f-~",,-'~""'T-.. -.;'" f ~ " (Tract A S.P. #763) AI I that ptn of NE SW, 5-19-3 W; W.M., in Mason County,Wa. daf: BEGINNING at the NW corner of $d NE SW; th N 89029'04" E along the N line of sd NE S\V 544.75'; th S 21023'08" W 188.42'; th S 30046'15" W 348.30' to a point on the N boundary I iOe'of the PI~t of Highland Estates, Division 2, as recorded in Vol. 8 of Plats; Page 97, records of Mason County, Wa; th N 71049' 19" W along sd N bou~d(-y I Jne, 60' to the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left whose center 6e~rs S 71049' 19" E and is 439.26'distant; th continuing along sd N boundaty 1 ine along the arc of sd curve through a central angle of 06007'31", a distance of 46.96'; th continuing along sd N boundary line N 7J056'50" W 194.96' to a pt on the W I ine of sd NE of SW which bears S 04045'27" E from the TPOB; th N 04045'27" W 457.26' +1- to the TPOB. TOGETHER WITH 20' easement for rd & uti 1 ity and except rd rights-of-way. Except Tracts 1-3 i- ~'. ,- -_-__ - -- -_...-_,- .- ___ -- _~~... _..;;~~-:: ',f' - - _ ... ~ -_ _c-_.~;._;,-::."""';;;~-..,--_ --.-.: $-6~~~ ~~E~)