HomeMy WebLinkAbout319050060010 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1'15 SALE PRICE' Rd. Sc.. Port PUD FPD 2-7ci) - - - - ')2 Northern Pacific R.R. 3.... 3Q.2 - .2.. - - -- g; ( ~ - ..L !::L .b. 11 - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '---"~~~--------------------------------------~~-~-----~---------------- '. , . , . -:.--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE - .. SEC. _ TWN, RGE~_..: . . ~ 6.. <:;(J{):{g; :0,10. ~ , -'"""~. , ~-.... 1--' A strip of land one hundred feet in width being 50 feet on each' of a center line of lilain tl'uck of E~ma Branch Extension of Northe:t1nP.~,,; Co. as same as now locaned staked out and to be constructed over across the SE quarter of, NE quarter and over an"across the North half of sE quarter N~ of SE~ of Section 5-19-3 W. W. M. also too add. strips of land one on each side and both contiguous tosaid above described one hundred foot strip in the above Iilamed SE quarter of WE quarter of said Section 5 being an add strip land one hundred feet ,'ide on the MVly side of and contiguous to said above de3cribed one hundred foot strip extendin8 fro~ the northline of s id last mamed gov. sub division Swly to a _ine at right angles to said main track center line at a pOint dis4ant 1090 feet SWlyfrom its point on intersection with said north/ine also an add strip of land 50 feet ;dde on the SEly side of and contiguous to said first above desc ibed iliOO foot strip extending from the north line of said last named gov. sub- di1!"ision SVlly co a line drmm at right anr;les to said lJ1.ain track center line at a point iil.isant 1090 feet SWly from'its ' point of intersection with the north line of said last named gov. sub- di division said strip of land contaming in all ten and forty one hundreth3 (10.41) acres more or less. R/W SW. SE A strip of land 100' feet in widthbeing 50 feet Wlae on each side of the center line of the ~lliin track of the Elma Branch ext. of the N.P.R. Co. as the same is now located staked out an to be constructed over a!id across the SW~ quarter of the SE~ of Sec. 5-19-3 \'l.W.M. cont. 3.09 acres more or less. ,0 \ f' I ~ b I ~.- -.-.-- ..:_. ~. ,.--- ~_.~-----~--.--~-- ~---~----~--..~ ~ , I, R/w SW SE '.j; A stl'i~ of land 40 feat in ',:idth on the east rlyside ;)1' and contiguGus to the present one h'_'-ll':lred foot rihto l' nay of s id Railvmy Co. for its Elma Bracnh in the SW quarter of SE quarter of Sec 5>19-3 W. w. M. being that portion of s3id govenluent subdivision lying between line :'Cc.ll' parallel wit~ and distant resfectively 50 feet and 90 feet Easterly~ measured at rlght angles from thecenter line of the main trabk of said E~ma Branch ani ?et'::e~n tke south line..pi' said Sec 5 and line dre\'m at rlght angleto "'-'ld maln track c nte"' ~ at a point distant 300 feet Northerly of it '-joint of intersection '!Iith said south sec. line said last named distance being :ileasured alan; said main track c6efter line; said strip of land containing (0.28 of an acre sore or less