HomeMy WebLinkAbout319042490040 DISTRICTS / J./..s- SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD 1 FPD JJ. --- Ii InJO . ~ James B. Lightbodv G.L.Morris ...1..1QS .L_1t. L __J550~3~'- ~~~~~ dih'l-" ;f ~An';} RI I 30'1 .J...!i..b.iL !Iu- .I <3M.lt '1}.",;2. f.1..'L,~ ~__== .!!.i:M.. J. Nt/s &' iJ (1 Iud, j )J,<-rJh ,-/ u- 73 V431s X~.& /) 7l7~ d aI2 I" ,// '" 4f1,,- qSUC JrfL'~L (LvJdLV; lli't fill ,,, " hii' J4flr;j".....(-'-~..,/. ..R V. - _7._n- V/r.'uJirf f':o..f-A / _____ 7f&1'3/ & ot(!!.) "'ff 0/ ,. ____ 5LIL,':~2lH2L Robert F.-Betty ~~ ____ 3/8037>1571 . Qvntl4zJ.D. ,U.~tlJtJ f.tl~,raA~) ~/80 i'lPS'S ~ ~~?".;:~" 'It "." - crt'! 39/fh'II',";, ~-- ~...,- J . -} Wb. =-=-';';';~'______:_' _~.~._ _~______ __________.~__~_L____~~_ NUMBER OF ACRES I Timber Unimproved Improyed TOTAL ;), ;;S~ ~,35t .2. :l S- d ,8 ~ ..?.3S ;<.3!:;- Vur File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO 7.5'0:$7//7 "'.67J6",- 1-----'-- Ii 13ZJ.6"2 ~~~664 <I (,S;;;561- i.a. - 00",- 1-,";',,77"6 3/ J$'!t9.0M ~A'-- '.. ,.~.-- OYIt.r Oyder VALUATIONS Y.., Tlmb" I U"m"",d .:2j. M .!eL ~ t5 fda. ~ ~ M 1'3.. 2L 1% -1l /t 7 r' ( ,~ ~,~!i ~.3.D z.7>% /...35'" ). "!s ,;;) J?_"'i Q;(. s. "> I/M.% 1-t7 r-{Cf LOT BLK. , , . SEC. TWN. . ROE. " .~ --<. .'. . ..' Improved IlmDrovemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 100 10 0 /17-0 &) 1 FD /00 90 /90 / 610 .I~t::' ~~6 /dJCJ /RtJ) ~jf'o ,- - ~~ 3.s-0 5:Z< ~_< ,{, dtJ , -~ P/50 /7"'~ 9acJ -er- --:7~ /~CP ~ /-:1UCJ ~~~ Y,AJ~ S#'oo ~CJd)//'I.5.J5 11/735_'_ .5o:LJ ~.Ao~_ /5CO;(3SDI_;~~_ 100(')0 'fl'-/()O :S/t/tJt1 .. ~"-"'~;'-'::"-:-'!"_''i.'r'''''~'''.'- ,.:,_.....t,ri'.-n:c'<~""!"" ~~, r:~..'~\ ',"-:" '0"'- .-~ ,~ Com at point of intersection of E line of SE NVl with Sly R/W line of Co. Rd.,; th running Wly along Sly R/W line of Co. Rd., 250' to I.P.; th cdntinda along S R/W line 200'; th S, parallel with E line of SE mi and NE SW, 472'; th in a SEly direction to the SW corner of a tract of land sold to Bruce B. Williams; th N along W line of Williams tract, being parallel withthe E line of the NE SW and SE NW, 548' to I.P. Formerly Tract 14 AJSO: CommFncine at the SE corner of SE mv; t.hence N 86"16'')2'' W along S line t.hereof' 4-7').18'; thence S 2011'15" W 111.02'; thence S 49"22'58" E 66.78' to 1. F.; thence N 2052' ') 2" 'II 472' to an intersection wi th the Sly margin of the ;,rcac'ia-Erwnbau[;h Loop E03.d; t.hence n 76020'45" W along said Sly margin 10.82'; thFnce S 201}'15" ':1 297.41'; thence S 14"27'50" E 182.57', more or less, to I.F. EXCEPT description in AF# 326872 (which is Trs I & 3 of SP# 212 AF# 311888) NOW TRACT 2 OF SHORT PLAT #212 Commencing at the NE corner of Fawn Lake Div. #3 as recorded in Vol. 6 of Plats, pg I I I; th S 760 20' 45" E 100' to POB; th S 760 20' 45" E alg the Sly r/w of Co. Rd (Arcadia Brumbaugh Loop Rd) 100' to the NW corner of a tr of land conveyed to Bruce B.-Corrine Wi I I iams by deed dated 10-4-66 under AF#221615; th S 10 50' 27" W alg the Wi I Iiams tr a distance of 213.18'; th N 860 25' 25" W 98.67'; th N 20 01' 03" E 230.66' to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way and subject to a 15' ease alg the W boundary for ingress and egress. A(~~. .- _A_ _.:-~--- "~'~........."") i t. ,fJ I iJ--- ./l'I.-', , l ./ ~,'}. / ~ [ 1'1 ~ t__ ';' (. V~I-'~-" ,,/ . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved: ImprCNements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE $I! .'19 '19 /0000 <I/O/ao Sf 'foo I , -,-