HomeMy WebLinkAbout319042490000 y.., FlI. .... NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9'S SALE PRICEI' Rd. Ia'. Port PUD FPD - - ')2 l1012E A. o. Charlson ,3, ~ 3 J.../. L SFP jJ(' /751?t9 ~., iJJ .0, ()..I. / ...1-" # 57/ I ~o '1 .L !:L -'=- J{ 1506' o-rl (/ . fJJJ, j), R / ~",""/,y~? / - - - >?<i "/ hJ 19 1,,;'7~ {;W't2H f!. .19- fk..I.';A IfYl-I ;/ - !.'J. (/ 1u;0? './1n~.d #//197 ---. -..--- - - H /2'%' -/ ~.. -j" .J 7/" -/ I.n- ~ ;~; 1/ '.J ,/C~'/l.~~,r;< /-~.. . 'L~, I ; ,'," .. . I' ',.,..,. --- ,. - .... } /-- ' ; ~ ~.' " .- - -....:=::::..:..- ' - - ~. , V' - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----. , "..... , -------------------------------------------------------- '~."--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - Y.ar ()y.t.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL ()ylter Timber Unlmproyed I",proved Improyemenb B.ofE. (Bulldlnp) VALUE. s..- -3-cr .Q-er ~ .Jluo I~? - .3 ':/,0, 30,0 Q /50 IJ'() 1'5'7 .;>30 c:?36 iJ7 I&J3 / t,. f 3 ';;30 ;:{:}O ..j7 /;;'.13 /fp,'/3 / ,;; () /;;<0 ~I ,f t,.5iJ j~ ~"1i //a ,#/tfJ , - .:l0bifJ ,;9n~ ,//6) < ~ /40 3'f'~O -:~ - /-<~/I /... c1cJ /~..q; .1L/tJ 74 ~?~LJ _ -"k~- :.{.-; - /'::::::'~6 /.. i3-.tJ J'ih..52 - %75 7~~ d//?iJ ~ i/~0 /.60 j~S8 I~ W;(/1 ,~ .hA .//~ ///,~ CJ 2~ .,,1 ~ - r"/~ - -is )1({. ~ J.~ 1$'5""3 .?6/o s;:;?.Q;S' rhl/75" 77 /If%'!5 7 {J 1"<11 ??5015 ~/ '19560 go 35'1/0 1330(,0 , i LOT BLK. I SEC. TWN. RGE. "" I'q' q . . - _ T.~ _. ~'i' '. - ~-- _:,,:-~ -:- Now Tract 3 of Short P~at #1616: , That part of the SE"NW 4-19-3W.W:M., lying Nly & Ely of county road known as Cole Rd; EXCEPTING therefpomthat ptn lying Sly and Ely of a line described as BAP on the E line of sd SID N 2052'32"W 482.19' distant of the SE corner thereof; th N 71012'46"W 450.07' and S 20030'14"\'1 223.07' to the Nly margin of sd Cole Rd; ALSO excepting therefrom a tr'of land'described as BAP that lies S 87007'28"W 582.88' distant from a point on the E'line of sd SID N 2052'32"W 785.92' distant from the SE corner thereof; th N 1905;3'36"'W 107.33' and S 66030'44"W 270.66' to the NEly margin of CO~D'EY Pd knownas'Cole Rd;' th S 31021'12"E alg sd NEly margin a distance of 117.33' tap that bears S p4024'29"W of POB; th N 64024'29"E 248.05' to POB. =-:::..~-_.. .. '. .'.. . e, f(/iV'~Af B jJo,lnarvu J )u~J!l C/():/-~r./ {l ~ d-<>~ 4'1 l;'( I I I I I I I I I . . - ,",I 0,,,,, NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ,~" . TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. - (luildinQ'1 VAlue rJ. 1'1..58 /00 /SS~ JJ,~ 19~. 0 / gtJ /()tJ /79 (, " (J I %IJ /4.5'8 /,00 /S',5"y -I'1S(,O /30100 17'1"t, a i2 5~ 17.?J /,.....~ Ii?, ':>1 Ij.!;t,/o 8',;~- 127//0 I-- I-' - - --~. - .. .. ,'-"~ '. .' . ,,' ~" . . .,~.. " . -- , . .. ..