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Y.., FU. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /,7..5 SALE PRICEl Rd. Beh. Po" PUD FPD '-- I 1:;2 Simp"on T,oe; ,(In. l 3Q.2. - .....i lL L rr- -J, .J> ~ - /?, /Z, / ?57Jf) J"/ / lil. 2. .!:L J.. If !PJg5 I~ - '1IfOi?f'1 - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - ----~--~~~-=~~----------------~~~-:----7--7C----------~-----~-;~- 'n'~1-- .- . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 4<)0/ Year Oylur Tlmbtr UnlmprovMl Improved TOTAL Oy.t.r Tlmb.r UnlmproVlld Improved Improv~.nb B.oIE. (Buildings) VALUE ;;]j t/-{J~ 1-f6, {/ f1 L/-o ij-c:J ,59 yc),{}O fa, 00 ,fo j'{) M Itt j." Sl" /c,:J5( /60 /&0 ~I- ,3;;>.t;"" 3~ /.3 lJrJ /.3 (!JtJ W ,m:F.O ST )1 .., -i, If,. '),.;,L v'&i2I% ~6M ~aJ (t:)ri ,.:; gft ,Al,iW&.28 1(,1.,~t. ... ",']. . CJ.. /5705' /s 76 S" 9, Ih) E;J, If,,;:). c: b 1'1 ~t,{) J't/96b - WCI/~ '1, Ll tfltN 11I1;;fLA. J95~ - LDT BLK. -~ SEC. TWN, RGE. 1 ~ NW NE - Class. in 1959 , '-.'::~' - ,. - ;.:...:., ~ ~ . .. " .' - , . - .