HomeMy WebLinkAbout319027590091 V.:r-fil. No, -r---~-----~~ OW~-- I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /"/5 SALE PRICE --.- Rd.r~IPort PUDtfPD I I - , , JI!.... 325741 -E'h i 1 i P Ha r r i 5 et a 1 . '. , L~' , ' 3 309 3 4 L H #5135:; ill?48-CJ -='::'1803 -:-5-7C'i"\ ,..; .,,,'118;1 .!.12.... I _3..L8_ Wa 1 te r H. Smi h ct uk ( orma) f--- - - #62330 !/n- .2fJ.2/2 .0. J uf. 1/ n ' ~ /;~:l.3~7 /(), ()On IA /J"; 0/,0 38 :>-:{S-:J. t? J07" w. JI-.4,:, l- ed 7'0133 -~ --- ----- <;cn 3J'r~90 01 0 . ,,/J..~> ,+'--1- If., .:ti7;;J.'9~)' -------~- .. QCIJ !if; 3'?.i0'1 . ,"". -.~.,,_",. _--J 0 " :: ;!OS&-w." ---- ~^ 12E:c.... ~ 403'iY& :'L.~tw. ",,-.1J!91 L 'lfl. 3 I-{- J.. 1/ 4.7,1377 ./-. --- <peL) .F ~lL~"\ - - - .. 0 =. --.L N UMBER OF ACRES I I V ALUA TIONS Year I Oystu I Tlmb.r Unimprov.d Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timb.r Unimproved Improv.d Improvements B. of E. (Building5) VALUE -1i -- I_ c ::. / ~~" l'" -,".~J Q 750 &2 Jsoo /S'""Oo 21. /,0 () /-00 3 S-o 0 3.s-at:J )) SSDO bl", .,.." 31 ~.sa 'R~ - "-- SSOfJ 3=?3~{) .~,p~ij ~~ 1----- /.00 Ide) 5 S-tJO 3335{) 3tts"o ---. - -- ---,- - .- --- --~- ----- ----- "---- -- - I - ; LOT BlK. i ~:,~.,~~~ -"';;~4.,.,,~, .~:o:;",~""".~,---:;. "__,~r~-.:,._ ~._ l;.!::l"--."....... -' ~ ~~'. -~-,"":';,"-', (Tract A of Short Plat #477) A tr of land in the NE 1/4 of 2-19-3W.W.M., Commencing at the NE corner of the NE 1/4; th S 880 37' 17" W 1338.36' to the NW corner of the NE NE; th SOlo 08' 13" W 800.01' to POB; th SOlo 08' 13" W 200'; th S 880 37' 17" E tap on the W line of tr sold to Gary W. Schuyten et ux on contract recorded 12-6-74 on Reel 123, Fr 448, AF# 295412; th N 020 04' 20" E alg the W I ine of sd Schuyten tr 200' +- to the NW corner of sd tr; th N 880 37' 17" W 225.20' to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. . - - ~ - -- -.~ ~.",::,.L-_,~ --f -1;.L'1.....l~J..- f"..,,_",~ ~ ~'L'-" f7 lj",~" - u C i' .rL."__" , ,