HomeMy WebLinkAbout319024390050 -:-~-r-Flle No --r-----..-,.------NAME of 0.;;;;---- I l/B4~o~~r'". Orne O5ODJ CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 145 Rd. ,~'!~ p(r~rfpD I I I 1 30' 3.t-L~~;I' -- r-- ---i---L-i -j---I-E,- :J- - -- S"lE PRICf #86314 "'0/ ~ _.~-- -- .---- - TOTAL I.-I I I VALUATIONS . 6--' __ --L- Y.ar I Oyder . NUMBER OF ACRES Timb.r 1 UnImproved Improv.d Oyder Timber Unimproved Improv.d Improv,m'nh I {BuildlnQI} B. of E. VALUE ~iJ _~.' n tl.-----i----- ~5 7(.,lC. Jc> ~ .25 2.27 1'/310 /-eei' ,43 I () .-..:J. { :.' 0(:"'; t +----- --1------ ------- LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. - - I :----=1 d- --+-----f- _-=___ =_ ~- 1----: L---- ----- I ----1-- I I, i ! I i I ~ 4\1\ 14'? c:f.tJ, ~,,~ Tract 5 of SW SE 8, TA.X 5<.\5-B-- os.. -+----------- -I---- -- --.-------- -- 2 19 3 , "'.-,'- (Tract 1 Parcell: of S.P.#1341) ~ S 100' as rreasured along the E line of that ptn of the SW SE of 2-19-3 W.W.M., descr as follows: BEGINNING at the SE =rner of sd SW SE; th N along the E line of sd SW SE, 10 chains; th W parallel with the S line of sd forty, 13.30 chains; th S, parallel with the Eline of sd forty, 10 chains; th E along the S line of sd forty, 13.30' chains to the POB, EXCEPI' the right-of-way of the Co Rd along the E side thereof. ,!O/: 1.J€..?4-/../ d~S"'Is-<5 ,"""CoMB,IJCb 85 ~ /1 - fl9--3 SQe".. SHJt.V~ 101t Lf Co 'IOOEIHER WI'IH: A tr of land in G L 1, 11-19-3 W.W.M, daf: . BEXiINNING at a pnt on the N line of sd 11, S 88046 I IV, parallel Wl th the . Sections 1, 2, 11 & 12, sd 'l\vn & Rng; th S 5026' W 30'; th S 88046' W, parallel v;it~ the N line of sd G.L. 1, 353.85' +- to the W line of sd G.L. 1; th ~f,~ly along the W Ilne of sd G.L. 1 to the N line therof; the N 88046' E, along the N line of sd G.L. 1, 395,16' + - to the !DB. T.L. in front of above described property (TAX 545-B) ..~ PU D ~ 31p1j/IJY .-.- - \ y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS as SALE PRICEr Rd. leO. P... PUD FPD - 1:;2 9467'5 Karl A. & JoHn N. Sells ? '509 2... #- L S p 17"r,;;~-=3 (7, ./7. a~ 51 I '09 3 .!L L 1L ~ ~=I~'A ~" , - ~ (!. lLt'Tf/o'-u , ,d, , 'r #'i10!6 -. I1/J~ ... , e-- - - - I- - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~_w. ----------- -~--~ ---- -' ------ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyd.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Ollur Tlmb.r Unlmprov.ct Improved Impronmenb B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5:3 ! -"Lt, '1"') 3t/.'1-;:' Jto -20 ;2..cYCJ .91- 1 50.'1:2 3 c/, 92 I ,f? c; -e- /J70 .h ;;1'" 7,1 j-y' Y..:{ ,;<60 ;) t, () I a/.: ~ -::;>.;t --r ~5' I~ //J'15 /tY~' r- r2 1.21 ;).'1 ~f..n #90 ~~ ///,0 11 -, .it.~ c I?&' /,/'QJ /1'S6 7;.;) 7 ~ I~ I,. .0/, $7,rJt!J ~;Jbo f7 /., '1. :)0 (" '7.-70 ~/ 7,':<' 7 7..:J. 7 .:? f7.~.5' ~n3S" - JI 5Eu ,..-. -- -- r--.~'.... . l - c .)" '. '. ' I,' _C;. :~ - , ,-" /. tot I 1:-, ~,~" - Il. ~// ....., LDT BLK. 1\-.----. , . l I : ~ -~..~ , "~, '~__-,.-~ ,-~"~~~ r:~'" ___--'--:-~4<..___==___:_.,;. * Ex. Pt. Tr. ~1L- //, /?,-",v".5E.Sf. tf/aJ ,/&tU. C. ~ ~W. , >/7 de-, C 1-.;0 07</ S.