HomeMy WebLinkAbout319023290010 y.., FU. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / I/- S- ;\; p", :~~ ~ IrA' 4~ _____ I'J i- 81 LlJn-:L!LLJl SALE PRICE la/An ,8081>7 'l/n 3g9~~t/ 61~ In: ')2 1160<; Vivian M. Marcv 6.5- hs':407/,::;'I? T, 17'0 f~ .....- ;;'7 1.19-J.t/t, ''./J t1 .,9- -1': J /-iJ. / d+"+~ (! .f: ~ ./1. 0& 0:) ,~, #"'~o Leon E. Pflue~ r ---1---- t u (ri ~ M. _ -If- <'/ oil '?/7!"" ~69671 32500 "'- 7<>-7/;1 ..5,.4. " , , . r I' .:. ?oUr) '. .,.,. tj --r- -- -- .. . .. .#.~--_. ----.' ;..---~------------------- - ,,- - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yea, Oy.t.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlm~' Unlmprond Improv~ I mprovemenb B,ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 53 /,7S /00 ;<,7S /() 3c:J 3CJd 3tkJ -:;'1 .:1,0 0 1,00 ,:f.OO 10 ,30 ,'--.5"0 ..or tJ ~ d,t) 0 J,Ot) ~.ocJ 56 30 556 630 -<..(J-O I,(h> 3, CH'J 5>'"0 30 1006 loR:=,- Ie.:~ ~ ~6 /II~ .I19~ I~ ,,~~ , i,(j ~ /.: ;961 /f///J 1'7,11 ~~ t~g tIN} ~~ !-1'1 () l:i'l I~~,% /~tJ} /,,-&~ f{"6RJ ..!3Slf) 77 ;;Z (U, /. GO 3.0() ,-::r J?<;tJ 1;l73o 1& ';l!o tn /, I ;<. /. 1)0 ,2,12- 3/9t!J It!. 7.::9t!J 15f/ZL' <:i/ /, /-..-- /00 ;;./;>., 1/c>oCJ /7300 30300 ?f //000 113"'0 30300' - - LOT, BLK. . , ooa{)~2'q 'oIIDEi , SEe, TWN. ROE. , , , ~. -,- . ......,.;.;. -"'- . .- , ~ .~ -' ..,.- - . - , - ~ -.. -' -- ~~-""'" .,,..,,.,.. II'.-._':,_.,.c;_~~ -- . ". -t-......---- ~J:litl'~ at a point 660 feet East of the ~c.or,ocl' on~ m:<r~.-side of See. 2-19-3 w:-w~ -M. - thence East 150j'e,et thence South 871 feet more or less to the North right Q:t:..ay -l'i::rte' of the County. Road kmowm as the Cole Road thence '.ie~ep:J:y-=aron:;theH/'il toa point due Southof the point of begirmin>~ ~e-arth871 feet more or less to the point of beginning. (Now Tract C of Short Plat #850) A tr of land in the NW SW 2-i9-3W.W.M" daf: Commencing at the NE corner of sd NW SW; th alg the N 1 ine thereof, S 870 49' 53" W 583' +- to the NE corner of Tr of land conveyed to James & Dorothy J. Shrum by deed recorded 12-7-53 in Vol. 154 of Deeds, pg 617, under AF# 152132; th S, alg the Eline of sd Shrum tr 605' to POB; th N 870 49' 53" E parallel to the N I ine of sd NW SW, 290'; th S 020 48' 46" E parallel to the Eline of sd NW SW 370' +- to Nly r/w line of the Lynch Co. Rd #1550'; th Nly & Wly alg sd Nly r/w 1 ine to SE corner of sd Shrum tr; th N alg sd Eline of Shrum tr 266' +- to POB. ~"c- ~ 7/59 .. --~-- ..",,~ --- .~-_.....__.........__. - =.,..;.-c~------...._.-..,=,,-~-=-=-- __~___..._ --_.- .~~,. ..~---.. --. . "-,.,...: ...J( _Aj"J<2.J-. . /. / '-" I --J :.,.:> '~( ,--; I ~