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DISTRICTS /4:;- Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD 3- ?09 - 3-d:- L 51 pJ "C/..!' ./ah'~ ______ I~ ~,,1.Lb, I' Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO S2 Reid F. Letson at ux ,..,1:. 1.4:'0-/.;1] L--""'-T//i? ~:Z;-Y(., . (/ /,,/ 1/9/17.:5- J( ~ .0-c2.AA~ / hj /1/3'1 rlr. r/a ,.cD;:;;(, ~n-r .-/ / SALE PRICS "sr _ /ef::/.;2.o' .de:; 9?' , ./ / rr / --I-- --- 9, ..L11d 3 !:LLlL ) f-- NUMBER OF ACRES . '--~"'_::~---' VALUATIONS ~,.f'a c;.o .{.c.; ~v 60 ~"') h t) r...?tJ /c1I/CJ 7/5 J//l,~ /.5'~ 'p;;- J/F~ E/'cfJ 2 t>~ ...z31i~ #:7 f!t?J iJ;j.:Jfj ~ A d;A~ 75/f-o /"177n .;<7-3f() ':;50.:(5 /jf./.50CI 1&>9$'.1$'1- 25'~oo 'NS"oo h9S;-oo ---.~-<,;;:..:;;::_~--=----------- ,.', . Year Oyst.r I~ 53 ./;1t [,2~ 01 i.JI, ~ t1i 'If) '<JIJ ., 77 ~ 3'1 Unimproved Timber Unimproved Timber Improved TOTAL Oyder 1 de:; ;eo ':<0 50 S 2. ,/ .;2, C! 0 7- O() .$;,00 ,5",0 c) .-:J, 0 tJ 2C10 .!r; o-v c:I.(ff;) 70-0 ~D _";-0 btJ /9 /k//J I~~ -~ J.jt; It St- , , ,5:37' .I.$~ " /'/.MJ I~ ~ t,,?3 . .-- 5'-37 I sC" {,)3 Improved Improvements (Building.) B. of E. VALUE ,'350 ~~ .:J." 0 ..n_Q._ CSt:> '7/ D 630 /100 S-9D 7 o--r:. . LOT BLK. '{:;f I' 1.~2 -:; J~ ' : EC. TWN. RGE. . , ' "',' . . . - ~.-~-. .~ . ~-, --- .... " - .__.,-,-~...,...._..---~.- '.-.-.". ._~.. - . .~, . .,. .. ...-._~. c". .A. ..,';'- .,-. -;'-.":.;::--. ~._-;;~"". .:.,- ., '__Fe <~__~ ~-."""_ /l/V~ '1 ?t e sc.J W~ of the following described tarat of land: all that portion of the NE SW of Sec 2-19-) W.W. M. lying Northof the R/W of theCa. Road Ex. the East 6 acres and the East 528 feet lying West of said 6 acres. ""-----..;............. - North' ~.-..< - - -- -~- ~~.....-~- - '-' / g;" " I tJ -........---~~.,.--.~---'---_.- --- -~-.;-;. ~--~ ,