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Rd. Soh. Porl1PUD FPO I 112Gaa
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Year Oysttr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.tlr Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemenb B.ofE.
(Building.) VALUE
..s.3. I, Ib- 1,// d,:<9 /00 /00 ~-O ,;:? .!>-O
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", Formerly Trs. 4 &: 6 of Lot 2
'f.... 4. D~5 at Llit~Alld~l GO:..~:r.6.L GOuuuOh to 3~t5 1 &. 12 And fJlo~(.t.d.':'U6 t..l&
alsRg msaassF lia8, N 1,.60J6'1,.~" Ii: 2!!1.~2' i t.R N 1,;,0ge'4.S" E 10)0.25',
t.h N 1,.9006'4j" K el,.&.90'; tlh II )6006'4-5" E 608.)0', t.l, N JO~06'4r E
84-),24-', tl1. N 52006'4-5" E )89,)4-', el, N 62006'4-5" E 1?,0.~1' Lv ma,
e8FFl8P sf tFtiet AeFe ia aeserieea &. I.F...; tPi tJ 27025'12" 'A' 501.24.)
tb 1I 5604-6'4-5" E 100.51', el, S 27025'12" E 510.58'; 1;h alel'l!'; llIearul.er
Bhe g 62006'1,.5" W 199' t.e I.P.
TI. 6. Beg at M&anaer- GaYa~Y esmmea te seee 1 & 12. ~PSeeeQiRg ta
alea!'; meaaaeF liae, N 1,.6036'1,.5" Ii: 2&1,52'; 1'.1'1 N 17006'4.5" E 10)0.25';
el. II 40006'4-5" E 64.8,90', ell N )6006'4.5" B 608.)0', tl, N )0006'45" E
&1,.).21,.'; tR ~I 52096'1,.5" Ii: )&9.)1,.'; th N 62096'1,.5" E ';'0.91' 1;15 8t'lly ,
eerneF ef tFset lrlereiR aeseFihea &. I. P., th U 27025 '12" ':J .~ J... ~ J ))~..., '^f1;
1;11 N 5601,.6'1,.5" E 100.51'; t.R S 27025'12" K 591.21,.', tR aleRg meaRaeF
lia8, S 620ge'1,.5" w 100' 1;4 I.P.
Beginning at the meander corner common to sections 1 & 12; running thence along ,the
Govt meander line N 46036'45" E 281.52'; thence N 17006'45" E 1030.25"'; thence N 40006'45"
E 648.90'; thence N 36006'45" E 608.30'; thence N 30006'45" E 843.24'; thence N 52006'45"
E 389.34'; thence N 62006'45" E 70.91' to LP.
thence N 27025'12" W 532.09'; thence N 56046'45" E 201.02'; thence S 27025'12" E 550.79';
+.h---,.,ca16ng the meander lineS 62006'45'L-W';:>oo' to LP.
Except from al I the above descr upland al I that ptn conveyed to Ralph R.Gi Iby et ux
by instrument recorded under A.F.#229344.
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Except T~x72-W ~
Tract 0 of 5.P.#923 A.F.#381372) ..:i>EE ..5,f'?"'*7.z3 /\~W$-=b ,r-,/z' .PE.=-eJ
That ptn ot G.L~2, l-i9-3 W,W.M., daf:
BEGINNING at the W 1/4 corner sd 5ection; th N 89044'30" E 2662.23' to the 5W
corner of sd G.L.2; th N 0019'47" W along its W line, 352.65'; th continuing N
0019'47" W 971.07'; th 5 89058'26" E, 982.76' to the TPOB; th 525039'19" E 188.15';
th 5580 32'38" W, 285.33'; th 5 25039'19" E 268.37' to the centerl ine of an existing
Private Roadway; th 5 7024'28" E along sd centerl ine 123.71' to a pnt 20.00' from
the High Tide or I ine of vegetation of Totten Inlet: th N 88014'07" W 41.62' to the
stream; th 5 68009'48" E along sd stream, 56.36'; th 5 45024'06" E along sd stream,
111.27'; th 5 25039'19" E 38.04' to the balanced meander I ine on the Nly side of
Totten Inlet; th 5 63059' 19" W 200.00'; th N 25039' 19" 1'1 531.94'; th N 4010'.40" E,
105.26'; th N 86059'35" E 168.58'; th N 26057'14" E 347.31' to the TPOB.
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