HomeMy WebLinkAbout319011390020 V..r Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE! 52 ~17252g . Jl;; i3"f L dO !h.3.- J.,g /110 :#- .~-- ":m.3f.db9bM/mtrIoJn.v,.k. It If __=-== 1180 .379N7 IL2., n ?J11,u1i _ ~ "fS;'(,7!5 $;1' l ik ~ Y~uA,./;>-I'.,(j, _ ). I' _______ ~!JC111'i4~,c1;"sT~tlN'm9f.':F !J"i<./V>~H,,~a. /. "" ______ .mL~.!o of5/) . I) Lf ZM ~r 9L- ___ %7 -;/~o(,7 __ __. tL ~ 7;";,L> C~, "- ___ ;2(;00 See Tr. 4- ,.. 0<64>,3 ~7~1.<l7 ~ tli!tJ,-'lM . "<ff<g.t>o of ap c#-,r97'::';Y """ b'1ooPj .7! 7;607 ~C'.-_ "" 7.ie'?~ d:7'~ #,;'27..58 4'00 .... '. . ..... -. .......-...~~ .,.,.......,.-..-....'~.....;O'.,....._' . -.- ---.. - =--. , _ ___ , ...-_~~v.~.._"'l>...._. ,.-__---:: , - '. . - .. . .', VALUATIONS &, .J/O Tlmb.r Unlmprovld Imprond Improvlmlnh 8. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE .<~>T . .....,. ..... NUMBER OF ACRES v.., Oyder Timber Unlmprovtd Improvld TOTAL Oym, S3. .:71 --- ~Q "- 14- 2d. n 1!i II 7f -.ZL 3' ,See" XL 1,,10 / /.3.00 7. s--/ 15'-1 ;;,03 C,.CJ3 1,:::0<1 7- 5"-r 7, sf ~,cJ.3 r:;.,0.3 7<?,,~ </5:::,?c d'-/stJc l'lc"co :iOS-ot! ?Q..- '7'0 /30 / (;, (J ,;;1-75" 3/'~ ~ tJ6~ $.R6{; __ 7J?oo 7" ~-_"i 0 d1tf~o 196(7& dlo5"OO /3.00 /..],00 /.3.CC' 13.00 /3'00 /.3,00 / ,.. .7-12 9'a /30 Ib~ /~<;' /h~ ..:l_~ d29~tJ J ~ <:;;,3''1,;1..~- _ ~CO ;;~ LOT BlK. IEC. TWN. RaE. iiu9 i();-l\~:~ <f~O'9<i~(){ ~T-~';""""-' '-, -",,,~...,..,.. ,",,-'''''.'-~-'''.-:_'~'!'J!''"~' -,..~..-...,..,.,~-:<;<~,,;..~~....,.. '''''. ~,: ..~_:r,I-""""~<.^_'_~'~.1 P.e~ Tr.. 5 of Lot 2 . . Beg at~~ex_Qf sec and proceeding th along E & W centerjline-&f sec, N 88000'27" E 26"8'3~18J...; t.h along the W line oLGQv4:'~-to't-2, N 2009' 27" W 352.29' to Sly corner of tra-e~.;b.e.z:e*n-d-eS-cdbed and LP.; th N 2009'27" W 971.06' ..-L~-i-anrfr line of G6vt Lot_.2, N 88007'44" E 982.96" th-S_27n!5'~E 190.44'; th S 56046'45" W 81i~~4'; th S 42022' w-?~6.u3' to I.P. Except Trs 21 & 22 G.L.2 & pnt of Tr 4 G.L.2 (Tract A of S.P.#923 A.F.#381372) SEE REVISED SHORT PLAT #923 That ptn of G.L.2, 1-19-3 W,W.M., descr as fol lows: BEGINNING at the W 1/4 corner sd Section; th N 89044'30" E, 2662.23' to the SW corner of sd G.L. 2; th N 0019'47" W along its' W line, 352.65' to the TPOB; th continuing N 0019'47" W 971.07'; th S 89058'26" E 327.58'; th S 0019'42" E, 318.58'; th S 89058'26" E 327.59'; th S 4010'40" W 105.26'; th S 58032'38" W, 325.61'; th S 44007'35" W 525.64' to the TPOB. ., . -_._'C-~."",., C ._~~ -f/ Iv : 11" AlALLJ / t l .g /LM.o€Lj,E, ~Lu)j' J)/I/C..iGELL 1-, i ~7'U- E. 7I~ I~