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V..r FileNo. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /</S- SALE PRICEi Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD 112543 - - - - - - .2L 141796 Pu.e:et Mill Clara Moore 1... 1Q2 L2- It_ L jaoo - -..5..2.... l7673~ Clara Moore %f ...L 'irl.. - 3.... 4- ..L 1L I / f'.5 /~!; J:rv? -+- " .7"-,z! -0.?Z/I, '"" ~ ~.:<C /.5 0 /~- ..iLQ... 1?:~7!? - - - - - - /.3FrJ ./#l- /f(57t'1c /3Y/i~e) ;I. ~.:I.:IU Iff.? f ~ = /Soo<,.<.;I.. - - ~~",../? 17.5 1,/):l34f (l..l".>I f;t,,_ ~ - - - - - ph5 l301YI2. e.~~ I 'UaL - - - - - '/6 "'46~j'4" .$.2. 30 15// ,Q~ - 106n ~/g~ ~77'l4~ J a.llDI ") .A .11.. .xi. . '7 .~ 0(1', %.;::0067/S -- - J% '11ft, 16 v Ii il. L _7/~ ' -" .fh:. / :-<J.. J )/ ') 8'5 ~ - - - - - ~Y'l'lW ~ 45315.' e- ~AOJl d &'.".L, dt-w(:/. '1) - - - - -- 'is'8000 WO I - - - - - - - - - . " .. ,~- '\;. "",,,,,. -- .' -- ~, ".',.,...,-_'....... '._'H - '.-. .,-. ...., . . .-...~..-:- .-_.~ . -_. ,'-- n. ..... . -~. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Older Timber Unimproved Imprwved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemen" B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ..53 /.1<1 /.11 /;;0 /20 57 ---,.1JL ;: /4/ /, 9<1 dO /;10 /~o . .5~ .- /. /Lj' /7:1 dO /~() ,to!:> . /.;;;?O /PO ./P~ /I~ ;; 7'1 ~ 3;;'u 3,;,(j U ~ :3~~ ~~ ~CJ - i:/r2. ~ #0 fltJ-a!J i!5<D ~ ..::1 ~"'(/J ...._.r> 113 .3dtkJ 4- j';,t IA:I::1% 6&C7cJ /P5ZJ 79".5'0 12 ,1-5,C /,/4 /. 79 9&'00 .5on /r110 Cl 2.L . /"t;;/t /.;1/ /.71 '1.:<" IJo 3'f~ 0 1./5'160 i14 .?5.4 /, ; 'I / 7<1 -12000 3//..0 -IS4r:.O I I I / LOTBLK. 1- / . ~ ""':~'";I,,-~~., .--.....,.,. ".~...-..".. ;;::-"''"4:-.~.* .-~,.- c~-- U-_~_.~ ~...<,. . ~ " ""''''''~~,",'.''-.~'~. .-~. - Formerly Tr. 20 of Lot 2 Beg at meander corner common to sees 1 & 12 and proceeding th along meander line in sec. 1, N 46036'45" E 281.52'; th N 17006'45" E 1030.25'; th N 40006'45" E 689.90'; th N 36006'45" E 608.30'; th N 30006'45" E 657.51' to SEly corner of tract herein desc & I.P.;th N 30006'45" E 13~.73'; th N 47038' W 461.11'; th S 42022'00" W 141.73'; th S 2009'27" E 112.47'; th S 59053'15" E 420.64' to I.P. , ~ :sgb1l37~ ..._-"c--~. ......... ,