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, , Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /RS SALE PRICE! : ~f:;': iro L gl , <;;:> 11 7l2c Kenneth Newton Anthony e1 ux It1lclJ(, n -Vc/~~__ ,to 5' 1-f - <f-. :?Jf'.73o- J/.~ . ____ _(U,~~k ----~ -;" "/7 (.0 .toO' ~ H8"$~_ '" /{,Cy,; ~----- /~ '170. /..L, '!I 'J'29i1.-, ;L ~~ g:-~_ /b ~'-- - - 7,5 -I ~w llt.aa ,..' / ' - - - ".;- ~~'1';;'1/ -~ 30.7-459 (>/,.JJ , ~~. ;t? .-I.. < f,_ - o~. 3 & ().J.JJ.. ~&! J J1,~/ r?.a?( A / .-: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I - - - - -. - . - -- - - - - - -. ~ ---=.-- ------_._------~--~--------------------~~----=~. ~ --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 7('6 0 Year Oyster Timber Unlmprnved I Improved TOTAL ' Oys~r Timber Unlmp,oved Imoroved Improvemenb B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE . s: l--- do /() ---.!::!::. Q to ,;2&-0 22_ ISo .20CJ 3.5'0 ----.- --- &... 30, rv IO,M) <f-f), M ~5o .-20-0 b5c; S'J ;2tJoo _&1L 1"t!, Ci tJ .2 .3el ~dd ~e... l:;x - ~tJ,O() ;( (J. cJt;l Pc!. () () 4~O 400 /030 /J70 :,'l, (,t2 0-0 ,,:(0. t1-c I f 0, In /I-~ cJ ""<Pel /7/0 .:2.d"7..d -- - 0.. i (p,~ .:(O.=- J'b.o-iJ ~ ~o ~ 3/.;;{b' :2..Y~ Lf. I - 57~ 50"0 3'10<" 4Yif 0 tPl /ff',tJo ....ff-LL 31'11_5 tt i!'-S.. -- 2Q I"" ~Z 3/,oP l.!ide> "''''/0 UZLtL - "7~ . r<:'i ;2. ~ 7~" I ;/(/00 -2...1'/0 :~~ ~ ~ ~ ~t.75" 75(,0 [l/tJOO 2,f'/ t') Idr.ec: - dl,p."!) ~.dO ~~~ ~50o - - ';1.7,.;15' 1- -- 711- I",,~ - 50"0 .$Qat!..... 175 CLASS. 1',;,.""'.... !.:2/l1. de :2d . (Pc!! no I '7 R" .",,, LOT BLK. , , . , . , . SEC. TWN. RGE. , ~ ' ~r-!~~ tldi/c/'oC01 ,CLASS. FORESt .. ' 2 W~~ ,....-:::.1 ~.J~ .~ - ->'~'-:~-CY;;i1.C.___J_. :~:<-:,.~--~-- -",-.'._o-.~- - =1=F . - ~- - -+----.-- .--- " , . --"11~' - -- y", \ 0,..., NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS 6-J'V - TImb.r Unlmproyed Improved TOTAL Oyster limb.r Unimproved Improv.d Improv.ment. B. of E. (Buildings) VAlUe 7?, I~ -~rw r.....:i:\ '- -:: ~-" - ,- ' ~ ,) 8~C SJ6u 11 /()40 /0 -to 7t /OJ-'O /0 6'0 11C{ ~---- r - . 115'; D /OdO rJ-,,_ .~ \.. ,-,,,-,- qc I; t?{) //,) (., .; I ,:"'IJ, elC) , - , J/~o /IC:;O - y;), C1.4S FOREST ~ d:; (~ ),5 83 --" to 7(; o 7{) 11'-/ ;}./1t)u :' ) , " 670 &, 70 1-. is I.R It -{ / (,,{, ';) - -- __no .. Ii. I l , .