HomeMy WebLinkAbout320301200081 8203012.000CZi'1 SFr"O TW~70 RGF) y.... Rle N.. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DlsmlCTS / Rd. loti. Port PUD FPO SALE PRICE ~ 14-178: Alfred A. Beck et lU( 5"9 CR:no; AlLred A. Beck ~1~31/3.~ ~~ ~L~~ r:2/;." .g;~~ ;; U 7/ 'fo{I/Sle-I'! s. . f /3;;. tpS7[, 9 t;fJ l4/5gZQ MI.L/.qH /-., I/OLI'",,v I*~ /lZf'/f?$ M:.S1iEmIJ?m'A L,~e &'R/lNP& 12, 360 l lO( S l 5 <>,;. 3 . } -'-I _.:. L - ""- ~"ool.;4; ?(, ~1&;,,,~ 1('.5/';' '" tz9-' ~ ~77':LS"7 wo/ I--- 5~~:llO(j ~(:'~ "'%":>-:>1"1 __ ::V09 1FS,{;o9Z- .5& t.'-.:ILlj j, . 7h......d.:. R f'. ,J, I- 7. , /1' "" " '" " " Sl/GD -I--- -- I- -- -1----- ---1--- ----- .. . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r Gr.tar TlmlMr UnlmproY~ Impf'OYtd TOTAL Old., Tlmb.r UnlmproYld Imllfntd Improvlmlnb B.ofE. (BulldlnOl) VALUE 53 .*, //:-o 2-0 :z.t, c) :J-? () - #--- ,tj.o .'fo ;;(0 .::zc,cJ .;< .f 0 - d"k ' 110 .'10 .;10 .;<~ ;;180 !i'7 so r~310 ~ so (",%0 7.30 1& SO 9' :J.e, 97S itLl /00 9;?5 /tJ.;(5' .il. -2:~' // 1'.')- //,..~ - . /2l:""; ___ r ~~. , . 70 0'/:: v"'G ""?ce/J ;~Zo _ .0 7t./ /1'J:,1/~ ,::;., Oc' ,/0')0 7;'; ,j ?/" ..3 0"'0 q J fi'8 Id. cSo r,j/ , 'I' C) , '/ tC' '7",00 /77CJO ':i!~ 700 ?,3 9:'J!::) "18301=_ PI' . </cJ ,fa 77<;;0 '15"S'aa 'I3~"O_ LOT BLK. uc. TWN. RGE. \ v ;. . - .. .-" ",f' '."' , .. ?,",-'-".' -~"'~,~.- ." ...--. ~ 1""-- :-.-~..~....- '1--' "\ ~,~' I \ Beginning at SW corner of Nt NW NE; thence S 89"16'14" E al0ng\S line of Nt NW NE, 445.5" thence N ,2"W 121.6'; thence N 65030' E 316.0'; thence N 30"W 140.o~ to I.P.; thence continue N 300W 211.5' to Ely line of existing county road; thence SWly along Ely line of county road 98'; thence S 'O"E 16,.0'; thence N 650,0' E 90.0' to I.P. ,~. . "1