HomeMy WebLinkAbout320203260010 ,.. DESCRIPTION: PLAT ,~'c . 31- (000 10 LOT BLK ~ \~'7-D 2D ..__.____._--' #' ACREAGE Tract 7-C of Govt Lot 3 SEC 20 TWP 20 RGE 3 '. - - I AFFIOAVIT 'It- OISTRICTS YEAR AUO. /I TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 63 #197500 City of Shelton - S 09 S 3 /A K ~ ) -- - I ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVEO TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL :1 '17 .<17 , ~) -<< ..' , --- ------ ---- -- -_. --" .-- - - " 1/ ---. - ~. . .~-~- -'--><-.':L~ po .... Beginning at the SE corner of Govt Lot 3j th W along S line of Govt Lot 3 to the Olympic Highway R/Wj th along N boundary of Highway in a NWly direction a distance of 175' which is the I.P. of this description: th N 2027' W a distance of 130'; thence due Wa distance of 250'; th S2027' E a distance of approximately 70' to intersect the N boundary of Highway R/W; th SEly along N boundary of Highway R/W to loP.