HomeMy WebLinkAbout320194100490 DESCRIPTION, PLAT r1~2 o. L<f..-!tLlJ 0 ~ 9/) j LOT BLK # ACREAGE Tract 49 of NE SE SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 u_ --~- -- "--" - -..- DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT YEAR i AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: 1iD- SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ -- ------- ---- -. -- - ---._---~--- , 54~ Rov J. Kimbel S 309 s 3 H . /- ~- %";<'1~~~ (LJA ) ,^L;~~;~. '~n"",_ ?-?. -7;7"pC3 .~ . '/~ ;J , - - =i~-== .----- -- ---- ---- - _u_ . ~. - - , ----I I i I , ACREAGE '/ALUATION - B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 71 .53 .53 3850 19430 23280 1'- - +",;z/;1 S'" ..d7 77tlt? .f<Jr;zS it, 13;JCO ",-:,'::~'jC; "J~'-/IO J1 5-:' ..5'3 , ffotJo 0 "!f'3tJe'J 17%3CD -. ' ~ N /ct'J!'('.! '11'300 17 ?::?O() . 19c52... Beginning at the intersection of the S side of the R/W of the Olympic Highway as located in 1923 with the W line of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to W. L. Sargison by deed recorded in Volume 10 of Deeds, page 474; thence in a NWly direction, along the Sly R/Wline of Olympic Highway, 560', more or less, to the S line of Harvard Avenue, as.shown on the Plat off Cyphert's Add; thence in a Wly direction, along the S line of Harvard Avenue, to the Ely R/W line of the Old Olympic Highway, as it existed September 2, 1921; thence in a SEly direction, along the E1y R/W line of sai Old Olympic Highway (Pioneer Way), 560', more or less, to the W line of said Sargison tract; thence NEly, along said W line, to I.P. Also, all that portion of Harvard Avenue lying N of the above described tract, as vacated by the City of Shelton in 1923.