HomeMy WebLinkAbout320194100350 ,.. ~:4o.L't~J[T7J Q$]: LDT BLK DESCRIPTION: PLAT # ACREAGE Tract 35 of NE SE SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT'1/' YEAR AUD. # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 54 tn09884 James L.Simmons et u S 30 q ~ 3 "-11 c,- 3(l{i s.?' I g~Jo 7/~ '~ ..d 'u ,::') i,,'r7) ~ ~ '>'03',56'1' 0:-<,,,, - - - - - ~ I _._- - - -f--- I _n -- -- ----- - - - - - - - n_ ____ ___ __ n__ ___ - ---f--- -- - - -- - --- -- I --- f--- ---- n - - ---- --- ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 73 ,"'6/ ,9: / , 1250 1250 -- _.- - 74 - --- . - /~ -- -- - ..;1'sOiJ n __ ____ ~..5PrV_ ), ~ cOO :;-,-~Q I.p - n n - - - - ---- n~ ____ ---- ~I , ~I .8/ 7tJO 0 '?OCJO ~1 7~oo 7000 n --- n _ __ n_ - --_. -- ..--- ------- ------ -----~ , /74 - ~ ~ Shelton Tract #68-K (Same as 68-J ex D,E,G,H,I) A tract of land situate in the NE SE, Sec. 19-20-3, particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of B1k. D, Needham & Day's Add to Shelton, Wash.; thence SE, along the E1y line of said B1k. D extended, and along the W1y line of the NE SE, Sec. 19-20-3, 60' to the NE corner of B1k. E of said Add.; thence E., along the N. line of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Merritt W. Jphnson et ux, by deed dated Jan. 6, 1936, & recorded in Vol 63 Deeds, page 314, Auditor's File #76847 & along the N. line of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Chester T. Hillman et ux, deed dated June 17, 1939, recorded in Vol. 72 Deeds, page 5, Auditor's File #93266, 200', more or less, to the W1y line of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Nicholas Clark et ux by deed dated July 6, 1918, recorded in Vol. 33 Deeds page 369, Auditor's File #33929; thence NE1y along the W1y line of said Tr. of land so conveyed to said Nicholas Clark et ux, 145', more or less, to the SE corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to City of Shelton by deed Feb.8, 1943, recorded in Vol. 79 Deeds, page 595. Auditor's File #104490; thence W1y along the Sly line of said Tract of land so conveyed to the City of Shelton, 250', more or less, to the SW1y corner of the tract of land conveyed to the City of Shelton, and the NE corner of the ~ of said B1k. D, thence Sly, along the E1y line of said B1k. D, 100', more or less, to the point of beginning.