HomeMy WebLinkAbout320194100200 ,... DESCRIPTION: PLAT ~ 6 J 9 1// _O,~O..6g_J2), Tract 20 of NE SE # ACREAGE YEAR AUD, # m2223T 54 1tl07678 jhS~q7';'71o ~/~ ~ CI /;117 ~l}h'-f~; TITLE HOLDER Roy J. Kimbel et ux CONTRACT TO: }j , t iV, I 7 ie!' l,(J -z:;. ~ I,. >/ :'.. _. liJ" I ") ,; L- -/ j/ /0 ~A [ -v?)t.-t,<:LI-~-,/tiOl) . 1/ LOT SEC 19 TWP 20 I DISTRICTS RD SC PT UD FD HO CD S 30 S 3 -i~ BLK RGE 3 AFFIDAVIT 'if SALES $ .~~ ""-l"..;:>.s?S- ~ n.sCJ6::-t:, - ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL ~l 1,7fJ 1/.7/,) , RRRO 41490 50370 74 IhA? /77to %:ljS.L ./-~o..Z.I{.L - - -.--- -- 7t- ----~--- tJ.3'i & c '7 D Q9';Jxo 0 dt" ,-;-" 0 " -17;30 (" 31';:;' 300 Jtj /,7() 1,70 d.hSooo '-17300 3/ :A3OC; /.." Shelton Tract 67 ex 67A & B Beginning at the NW corner of 1st & Harvard Sts. in the townof Shelton and run N 7~0 E. along the W. line of 1st St. 150' to the initial point; thence Wly at right angles 100'; thence Sly at right angles 150'; thence Wly at right angles 120'; thence Nly at right angles 360'; thence Ely at right angles 120'; thence Sly at right angles 60'; thence Ely at right" angles 100'; thence Sly at right angles 150' to place of beginning, containing 1.335 acres. Shelton Tract #67-A .40 acres. Land Val.$190 Beg. at the NW corner of the intersection of 1st St. & Harvard Ave.; run thence N 82030' W 100' to the I.P. of the land hereby conveyed, which point is on the N boundary line of Harvard Ave. From said I.P., run thence N 70 30' E, parallel with the W line of said 1st St., a distance of 150' thence N 82030' W 120' & parallel with said Harvard Ave., thence S 7030' W 150' to a point on the N boundary line of said Harvard Ave., thence S 82030' E., along the N line of said Harvard Ave., to the I.P. Shelton Tract #68A-4 (Deed #149785) Land Val. $100 .30 acres Also N 30' of Tr 22