HomeMy WebLinkAbout320194100140 .. DESCRIPTION: PLAT ~. 6, ,:121..1.]5'0 T415: lOT BlK # ACREAGE Trae~ of NE SE ex 14-15A SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 I I DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUD, TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: 'RoT- SC~PT UD FD ! HD CD SALES $ __n__ ----- -------- - Josephine E Grant S 309 S 3 -- -. ----....-- -- -------- 68 238616 I L L Me I ne 1 1 Y et ux 14294 - 311326 . ----- - 1~70888 .lL~Q.384358 'L. L. Meln-"Uy et ux Vi nrAn+ L_H.im';o 0+ IV ((.,^-~ I~ ' , 90000 WOP 'iN '13/(,.3(., .~ ~ 2/J1' ~,/~ ;!;~; .u_ q ') ( iftJ- I ~77~ >0 'i~~ -- -I -- I f ----+ - ---- I t--n t ----~ - , I -----t- -- ---t------ -- - - - I -- ---- . ---- -- ..--------- --~ ____un I I - -- =-=--=--_-.--0-= .~ - ACREAGE 'IAlUATlON --I ~--'--- B OF E YEAR l TIDELAND _.u_N1r-1PROVED __ _1M PROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL _u_ 71 , ,40 .40 2180 2180 -t I ------- - 100% 74 , 4360 4360 - I -+----~- 76 t i 6930 6930 ---.. .------i-.---~--- ---- ~. T:'",' ~_'"'"' I"" by dese. I. Ci,&,- 3019n 3.619L .1g [.)Eu_ -- .. - X:? 23Sq" 2!j5C1" -fLl ... ------ - - -9-93t!O f? ;73('(1 tz.. - ., -:IF; '" .." 1/ ; I I , . I " . :;>.,~, ,):"'9 3:)~! -t- -----t- - . - -. - I I - -t--- t ----- ! I , I I ____n _--j- , 1 I .. -- nm --1 I t I -- I -t-- -----c--- ~5" - ,... ..... A tract of land in the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of section 19: bgn at the northwest corner of the intersection of first street and Harvard Avenue, as shown on the plat of Cyphert's Add; thn S 820 30' W along the Sly I ine of Harvard Ave, 220'; thn N 70 30" E paral iel with the West I ine of First St 288.i9'm/l to an intersection with the North 1 ine of May Ave extended Ely from Meedham & Day's Add and the Northeast corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Roy J Kimbel by deed recorded in Vol 152 page I I, under Auditor's fi Ie # 149785; thn N 870 10' W along the North 1 ine of said May Ave extended to the Southeast corner of Blk A of said Needham & Day's Addition, thn N 10 15' E alg the East I ine of said Blk A, 2iO' mil, to the Sly line of Turner Ave; thn N 840 14' E alg the Sly I ine of Turner Ave to a point N 70 30' E of the point of bgng, which point is also N 820 30' W 220' from the West I ine of First St; thn S 70 30' W to the point of bgng. EXCEPTIN therefrom road rights-of-way. . i 31 ~i /0'''' , 7:') " ,.l .::'::-