HomeMy WebLinkAbout320192400160 DESCRIPTION: PLAT ~~rD.I.q.:J-.J.j.6 0/ ,ra.61 LOT BLK # ACREAGE Tract 16 SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 o E NW , . , - . DISTRICTS I AFFIDAVIT '/r YEAR AUD. # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 5/71 /f259990 Richard L.Putvin et x S 30 S 3 517.750 ?7~$ _10/ ii:1 ~'v""~: ii, .Ii: ~'" ""-</:3 , ,;0'<;'-6'/, 9/ $ .~ a-. lJJI!.- tiu.. I !9J);Scl'I //7'57) -zz->;" 1;;21711,~371~,J :?"I.;; 7.Y 'YS7 1/ I - --- - -- - --!-- - I ------ ---- ----- --- ___n __. - - - - - - --- -- - - - - - -- ACREAGE VALUATION . B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELANO UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 71 'L3 ' I?" , 1000 4920 5920 -- ._-~ -- 74 - -- ~ ;; "O() _LlI.1.(L LI..Rl/-o_ . - - - - - -- - n 7'-'" ....../ -0 / ?,'~:' ) d.(uS!?O - -- -- n_ - - -- ---- ------- g!~_n i/ , -- -,",-:-';:; !J --?/_ /.,,~, 33&'00 ~t.( . I -:s ./.3 7(l~O .;; r:, bOO 33600 --- - I- ------- 1---- -- -- - I~ ~ ;..' Shelton Tract #146 A tract of land in SE NW, Sec. 19-20-3 described as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of Lot 5, Blk 1, Angleside Add #2 Shelton, Wash., thence N 88040' W along the N margin of Bayview Ave. 125', to point of beginning thence N. 1020' E 100'; thence N 88040' W 55'; thence S 1020' W 100'; thence S 88040' E 55' to the point of beginning. Shelton Tract #133-A .01 acres Com. at a point which lies N 1020' E 60' from the NW corner of Blk. 2 Angleside Add #2; thence S 88040' E 114' to the initial point of the tract of land hereby conveyed; thence S 88040' E 6' to a tract of land heretofore conveyed to J. Richard Kieburtz by Grant C. Angle et ux thence N 1020' E along the W line of said Kieburtz tract 100'; thence N 88040' W 6'; thence S 1020' W 100' more or less, to the point of beg. (Desc follows as per WD #337985) Beginning at a pt on the N line of Angleside Add #2 to Shelton as per plat thereof recorded in Vol 2 of Plats, pg 40, records of Mason Co. lOa. N 88040' lO 125' from the NW cor of Lot 5 Blk 1 of sd plat; running th N 1020' E 100'; th N 88040' lO 61'; th'S 1020' lO 100' more or less to sd N line of plat; th S 88040' E alg sd N line 61' to the POB