HomeMy WebLinkAbout320192400131 , DESCRIPTION: PLAT LOT BLK # ACREAGE W 70' Tract l' nr c" >n" SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 I '2.I::Ii C I ;q. I) Ll.. 1'\ (') / ~.J I DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT'1/' YEAR AUD, # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 65 fF2l3780 E.A.Dahman et ux n878 s 30 S 3 18,500 ~hl. 3/0 f 6t1 ,b.'A" ./l / Zdfl;j.. ;. t I{,fd/:J~ "16.6-(.1 If '1 3i3s;( 7/ .,1/" /'+ il!6:Y6-7/ s/~() 7,;J r; ofU; ( /17-<"l ;r: l-it, ~h ~{ 4,:":1.-_ bu..f'I/'1l~ #e. "-5'li'og 'cJCC/J 0 ---- -- I , - -- ------ ---- --- ---------~------- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - -;-~- ACREAGE VALUATION 8 OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED - TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 71 , 1250 6350 7600 - -- 74 ---- -- -- (f-f! -- - - ---- ---- _.2500 /,2 7""- L5:.2..o.IL 70 3. ) - :J 5-7:J ;2 '7"/ I l! -- - --- - - -- - - - - - ~-=-~-- ~- f/ 7000 -'i.R7vo 15b70D /1'1- 7000 7"& 700 5"5760 ---- -- -- - ___nn_ ----------- --- ----- 1,:)8 _u__ - The West 70' of the following described real estate: A tract of land in the SE~ of the NW~ of Sec. 19-20-3 W, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point which lies N 10 20' E 60' from NW corner of Blk 3, Angleside Add. #2 to Shelton, Wash. thence N 10 20' E 100'; thence N 880 40' E 120' thence S 10 20' W 100'; thence N 880 40' W 120' to the point of beginning.