HomeMy WebLinkAbout320192400130 DESCRIPTION: PLAT # ACREAGE YEAR AUD. # (~-~.~O-, " CfL'-L(J n / .3 .61 E. 50' of Tract 13 SE NW TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: 9/73 #282735 Wm.F.Duemling et ux 7h'l ~('553t:, 7,,1, tJ.: ~ ~'1I &If;, ~J' AT, ~ U' JJ. ti ~t: . /1 ~j '-.tW- (PL' ,-F I VEAR TIDELAND 71 '711 7(, v/ t;i<f 1~7 nn n_ _ nnn_n__e-__ u_n _n_____ " u n __ n I -- LOT BLK SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 DISTRICTS I RD SC PT UD FD ~D CD S 30 S 3 u u_L- _n_ -- -- f-- ACREAGE UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL VALUATION '.-:)<)( . .:2 9( TIDELAND UNIMPROVED 1000 IMPROVED ---- v..~ t __1-n _ n __ _ _..2.~() (j :; (x.;- Q F'?-t .?o-~ I 1-- ~CJ() 0 b000 AFFIDAVIT * SALES $ /[36929 s9000 .. ~"I'.dc-. "il7.$"", ""-<' "-(, -1"18-/ BUILDING B OF E TOTAL 2120 3120 Y.;1$O__ _~.2 JL~ 75"'30 /OO;;D /!--o;:)::) e:2'A. ~ 1.5""000 ,;(/000 That part of SE~ of NW~, Sec. 19-20-3 described as follows: Beginning at a point on the N line of Bayview Ave. N 1020' E 60' and S 880 40' E 70' from the NW corner of Blk 3 of Angleside Add No.2 to Shelton as recorded in Vol. 2 thence running along said N line of Bayview Ave S 880 40' E 50'; thence N 10 20' E 100', N 880 40' w 50' and S 10 20' w 100' to the point of beginning. .