HomeMy WebLinkAbout320192400110 ,. DESCRIPTION: PLAT (fGl),i.'1::L4.0,O,I.I.o1 LOT BLK # ACREAGE Tract 11 of SE NW SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 I - -- DISTRICTS, AFFIDAVIT * YEAR AUD. # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD sALES $ Arnold and ) rrof) --:"- f.. .. 70 /f2552l4 Bernice Rex S 30 ~ , q ~CJff24276 I ---- I I - -- -- -~ I - -- f--- -- -~ -- ---- ACREAGE VALUATION 8 OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 71 ,/3 ' /~ I 750 -- 750 ----" 1~ -- -.- IA"? --- 1--- .I5{)() -LS:~ 7~ 'n -- - - --- - -- - -- - -- --- -- -- I-- nn --- n _/';-o..~~_ - 1.,0 ~ 8/ 35'01') 3~"'r, gtf 1/3 .L3 3SQ('J 35"00 _n_ ----- -- - --- --- ~-_._.- -- - ------- '" .;1:S' ._- -, ~ A tract of land in SEt of NWt Sec. 19-20-3 W., W.M. described as follows: Beginning at a point which lies N 1020' E 190' and N 88040' W 110' from NE corner of Blk 3, Angleside Add. #2 to Shelton, Washington continue thence N 880 40' W 45' thence N 10 20' E 150', thence S 88040' E 45' thence S 1020' W 150' to the point of beginning and being the Wly 10' of Shelton Tract 12, and the Ely 35' of Shelton Tract 137.