HomeMy WebLinkAbout320191300680 DESCRIPTION: PLAT ~O~, :J".lc 1.0()GJ'fo~ LOT BLK 4F ACREAGE Trac ~ SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 DISTRICTS I AFFIDAvrnr YEAR AUD, ;I TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HO CD SALES $ J/~r- fF)(;!O':l 0/7'" L - F YOlJnalove H.W.Ewart, Jr. ~j . I S ~O( S ... H 1850 '3/;cl 353S9t" ,L.;!" (! 0.!:tNLl'tt '6: I fiJ, ,.f/u fl'-fIAu,-<<.' J //f7f7 ) . <7 '/ .- -L -. -- --'" I-- -- I --.-- - - -- -------- --~- - ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 7.3 ,~d. .~ --- __ _ _,__,fI.:;.5" 4',;;S- "fQ , AiI,~_ c- - - _5"50 -. ?S6. 7'r" I---- -- -- I- {50 , ZSo - . - ----- vi , 'i:A ,tj;;. ':<5"00 ,;( .'JoG ll/ --' ::Z5t;rJ ,;< 5"00 . --' - ---- - . .--. ,-- -,- ------ ------- --- 1(0) That part of the W 60' of SW HE lying Sly of Angleside Road and Nly of Turner Avenue EXCEPTING THEREFROM ahat portion described as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 17, Block 15 of Ang eside Add #2; thence N along the E line of said Lot 17, 117.75'; thence Ely in a straight line 61.04' to a point on the E line of Younglove tract as reoorded in File No. 232064, which point bears N 105' when measured along the Eline, from the SE corner of said Younglove tract; thence S along said E line of Younglove tract, 105' to the SE corner thereof; thence W ~qng the S line of said Younglove tract 60' to I.P. (S 10' of property herein sold is SUBJECT TO rights granted City of Shelton in easement for water and sewer lines.