HomeMy WebLinkAbout320191300580 ,. OESCRIPTlON: PLAT , LOT BLK .... 4 -,' "? CC:t:;;:1I: 0 l ~ .;J.{).J9 .1, ' . 4F ACREAGE Tract 58 of SW NE SEe 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 DISTRICTS AFFIOAVIT'II YEAR AUD, ;I TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ a.A.Counts )~ .- S 30 S 3 ii 2/73 In 76469 Glenn E.Wakefield et "U - SlO.OOO .:forD ~~ , --L / - , -- I -- - -_.-~ - - , - - - - -- -- !- . . .-- ,_. - - ,- ACREAGE VALUATION 8 OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TlDELANO UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL ~ 71 ,t/J ,to , 1750 3340 5090 - .----- 7J.I -. -- ~ fJJ~, -- - -- - ..3500 '" K.lL ,/tJ-L8.0_ / .5{)~::1 /;[:,.;,0 /. '3 8, :1-0 -- , ----- - - f- -. -- f/ c'o ,t,o ,- f--- 7S0D 1'13ocJ ':U,t60 Btf 7S'oo Ie; ~t) c- .:2t./i'Oo - , - - ~ -- ..--- - -'- - --- -- - ,- -.--- - -- - -- -- -- . -9::l -- (Formerly known as Tr. 53 of SW~ NEt) A tract of land in the SW quarter of NE quarter, Sec. 19-20-3, as follows: Beginning at a pt on the N side of Turner Ave. 120' E of the SW corner of the SW quarter of NE quarter; thence N, parallel with the W line of said forty, 280', more or less, to the Sly right-of-way line of the County Rd; thence Ely, following the right-of-way line of said County Rd; and making due E 120'; thence S, parallel withthe W line of said forty, 298' more or less, to the N line of Turner Ave.; thence W, along the N line of said Turner Ave, 120', more or less, to the pt of beginning, EXCEPTING therefrom the following described tract of land: Beginning at a pt on the N side of Turner Ave 179.73' E of the SW corner of the Sw 3uarter of NE quarter, being the S end of the existing bulkhead; thence N 3 42' W 149'; thence S 880 20' E 62.56', more or less, to the E line of the above described tract; thence S, parallel withthe W line of said forty, 149', more or less, to the N line of said Turner Ave.; thence W, along the N line of Turner Ave., 60/.27', more or less, to the pt. of beginning.