HomeMy WebLinkAbout320191300530 po DESCRIPTION: PLAT ----.~,.~....._..,..... .... -". --"_._---~ LOT BLK ~...Q2,6 J 9.1. '5--'2ll5(~()1 4F ACREAGE Tract 53 of SW NE SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 , I AFFIDAVIT '# DISTRICTS I YEAR AUO, ;I TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ _ 66 11216702 Edward Burnett S 30 S 3 'I?;/- 'J ff 6 .;(1'7 '1 I. I. x: 'A. " -"'-"- . .!hd :<t 7105',3 f''7?1,LY" '11/ (~ .i 1{ i , :'..s9.'c:,"'.3'N<?9' /O/1S .-1!17? 1.7 7[ 07!, 77::'1.' .7/0 I, . Ij-47;'I$-f'.,7,j- . -""'= 8j;; 33:)5<15 11\:1>1' ~ -~J'rYJ1A" ,- P. 6-3&1'/ , , -- # / ;";-00 U (J -- ~ ---- . - - - ~.- 1---- ~ ~ - - .- - f-. -. - . , --- - _1-_ ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TlOELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 71 3~ , !Jp I 1250 4630 5880 - 70 , Va.;;( ~ .5"_';>0 2'.2.k (L ./LZ6~~ - - I-- --- - - ._. /..;:" ~- , -, - -- - 3Lt!O J 1/ :; ! ... /7:<)/0 ~I ,30 . 30 //.:<. 5'0 :<f'3CJCJ :::'1S'.5'"u 8'.3 /1';< StJ .;177.'-;-5 '-//ooS- ~tf '30 , =10 ~- lLL~ So :H 1.5Ci 'il 0 ClC/ - - - -- - - - ~ - - - - - - 17 -- -- -- .-' CORRECTED DESCRIPTION (216702) (Formerly known as Tract 48 of swt NEt) Commencing at the center line intersection of 7th & Cota Streets as shown on plat of David Sheltons First Add; thence S 7032' W along center line of 7th Street and the said centerline extended, 774.83' to center line of Simpson Timber Co's Railroad R/W; thence N 46054'45" W, along said center line of said railroad, 41.19'; thence S 43005'15" W 45' to a point 20' S of Sly line of Simpson Timber Co's Railroad R/W,; thence S 16028'27" W 86.37' to the I.P.; thence N 54040'52" W 86.19' to the Ely R/W line of road; as shown on the Plat of Angleside Addition No.2; thence S 0056'29" E 3.52'; thence S 19040'47" W 13.70'; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 170' through central angle of 28019'37" a distance of 84 05'; thence S 56059'51" E 163.99'; thence N 100'; thence N 54040'52" W ~3.84', more or less, to the I.P. ".:;>'" j .