HomeMy WebLinkAbout320191300500 DESCRIPTION: PLAT \2~(), I ,cf.1 3.:Q-5$D~ LOT BLK 4F ACREAGE Tract 50 of SW NE SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 ~ AFFIDAVIT '# DISTRICTS I YEAR AUD, ;I TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 67 11223469 30 3 lf55'l2 James H.Morgan et ux S S $2,600 S/'l1 :12fh~/Y jJ , j""",F'. /# ,C7] /J/), ull , , %~:;~~ ql71 333 '!)~ !/I'~~~j tL- ') I " , A ' ,.j-- , " ;?S, #.s~c~g Cc} %7 3359J>o , Ii . fl. .IJ,I/Ah',,~ )).)tJ:/; Ii, . ;de 6-~f? 39 }'J. .L'I.-IL,,-tk...s/uJP. .$ .'3 L)tJLJ ~~17 3,//1 'fd9 if ;S1i'77tJ " /.~o 8f.g, '!'J$$4S '5 /!."J} NJ ") -# 7;:!S7? /> /" C','D., "'J/6/Z-eA/R'T.L1L{0~E I3R(!./c #/'<000 ,€Ec %8 42/025 ,I,,!rt/x_ CP:tNI/I t!h''o/11 ' ., " " I , , I #.$.5Z6Z IiI) /l19~5 /, ,.1 "hit' K JZ. ' , jI !.I- I 't/!'!bo'i . CLI2I2... -- - 'lIS'! '/3N'<5"7 >JD'~' OAf j':dJ~If~ A J.) ..,.. -"".JoJ'",";' ;2. r;:,v.' +) . ~~9t"!?' :'.0 II/r"l Y'3S o~ ~ -n '/i Y. ",~^',PPl ~ "1:) /tit> I - , ._---- ACREAGE VALUATION i B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED ~OVED BUILDING TOTAL 71 . () C, . f7 (., 1400 1900 , 500 14 . ,- wZ, - f---- -- j~,,() u.;l..8>ao =? 4'tJ..tL.. 7V /...7& et1 ~3 /.C! 0 () ---0- /OOiJ .-- ------ I Il/' I. .' G /0 fl ' {J &:, ,Ob ;/30 /tJ7<"0 13/] 30 ~4 31;1.? /0700 I.~)(;J,S- . ------ - ~- , ~., -- j A tract of land in the SW NE of Sec. 19-20-3, as follows: (Formerly known as Tr. 45 of swt NEt) Beginning at the quarter Sec. corner common to Sections 19 & 20, thence N 690 08' 13" W a distance of 2544.57' to a pt; thence N 500 42' W a distance o of 52.4' to a pt; thence N 53 42' W a distance of 190.0' to a pt.: thence S 330 14' a distance of 51.63' and establish the initial gt of a tract of land described as follows: From said initial pt run S 50 12' E a distance of 54.4' to a pt; thence S 490 48' W a distance of 18.3' to a pt; thence S 500 12' E a distance of 24.0" to a pt; thence S 360 48' W a distance of 29.9' to a pt; thence N 480 47' W a distance of 77.54' to a pt; thence N 330 14' E a distance of 38.35' to the pt of beginning. ,t:;T /1L I/tjZ16"S ~tlr~ . /J . C !/?/4HT ()~ StlRVII"cte- Y'/'/T/C;e;A H. hlHITN'EI-.56L .$'-IIP