HomeMy WebLinkAbout320191300480 DESCRIPTION: PLAT G2lJ.~L..CJ- .I .3:D _6 if g-Q~ LOT BLK 4F ACREAGE Tract 48 of SW NE SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 . . , DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT ~ YEAR AUD, ;I TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PI UD FD HD CD sALES $ 65 11212161 Graystone Corp. S<~ ()O s 30 S 3 #1349 11?IA I:???c~.., 15hei Ton 88J.iSllIOQ ? 'f/-f"S03/(, ~StJC7Cl t:;jlf7) / / . ~_. -- .. -~ - ---- .,. -- ~. -------- ,----- ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E VEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL nDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 71 ...-.r ,05S -t!)% , 600 600 ~ "14 M#,i; /2tJtJ, -- . 12. (J~ 7' hie /c/{; .- y,/ -- ~- -- -, --', .- -, '09 ,09 J (,00 3600 ---- f-- ~-- M 3t,oo 3':00 - -- f-- . ---- --~-- -, ,~ A tract of land in SW quarter NE quarter, Sec. 19-20-3, as follows: Commencing at the quarter section corner common to Secs. 19 & 20, o Twp. 20, Rge. 3 W; thence N 69 08' 13" W a distance of 2544.57' to a pt; thence N 500 42' a distance of 190.0' to a pt; thence S 330 42' W a distance of 51.63' to a pt; thence S 330 14' W,a distance of 38.35' to a pt; thence S 480 47' E 77.54' to the initial pt of this description; thence S 480 47~ E 22.46' to a pt.; thence N 410 13' E 98.78' to a pt: thence N 530 42' W '30.0' to a pt.! thence S 360 48' W 96.5' to the initial pt of this description. ai!atv t ~ / 1 ctc- 1/9