HomeMy WebLinkAbout320191300250 .. DESCRIPTION: PLAT ___0_" 0 OO~O lOT BlK tr~O. J q I. __ - .0 _.-~ # ACREAGE Tract 25 of SW NE SEC 19 TWP 20 RGE 3 , / _ C/'C':)i") ! DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT '"' YEAR AUD. #: TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SAlES $ 67 'ir101j'4''6'j'l~ Rueben E. Bell ~~ ....... S 0 S 3 ,/J , .-- ---- I I . ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 73 '31 . -:s ) 1250 2090 3340 , .--- 7~ ~- - --..- ;15 ()d ..!/.Ut'J L. '-.u.... ~I; rO 9 9 -- I 77/0 7{" ;)&3C S08:) 7(, -9-- -G-- - -!'~ 77 -- ---- .:2 Iv 3 [' 5tS:C 77/C 77 -&-- r..:-o~- - _._{~t-..- 1<< c/.::( ?...., (J 0 r/' (~,/! 'f '7/() 7.R D 0 J ------- _.- I- - '11 .2t-3c' rc)i:) 77/0 17' -e-- c- ~-:..- >to ;;2./;, q 0 <!1%u 77/d . gu -A-" . --e- c 9/ ; 3/ ,3/ 11)5"0 7300 Ii'S5"Q .~ .;, That part of the SW quarter of the NE quarter, Sec. 19-20-3, as follows: Beginning at the quarter section corner on the E side of Sec. 19-20-3, thence N. 70052'53" W 2240.01' N 39018' E 79' and N 320 10' W 50.85' to the initial pt of this description; thence N 320 10' W 81'; thence S 39018' W 120.89'; thence S 50042' E 77.5'; thence N 39018' E 94'; more or less, to the initial pt, containing 19/100 acres, more or less, ALSO Beginning at the quarter sec. corner on the E side of Sec. 19, Twp 20 Range 3 W.; thence N 700 52' 53" W 2240,01', N 39018' E 79' and N 32010' W 50.85' to the initial pt of this description; thence N 32010' W 81'; thence N 390 10' W 81'; thence N 390 18' E 48', more or less, to the center of Goldsborough crk; thence following the center of said crk in a SE1y direction 79', more or less, to a pt N 390 18' E 90' from the initial pt; thence S 390 18' W 90' to the initial pt, containing 13/100 acres, more or less. "-"("'1 :# ?-?l v6 , ';/ Ito i'~ f&/!./4U,,,- _ f:.-:...._.. d ) . .- ~ tU.t/ ~ _ 'J....t 'f;y,w,. , , ACREAGE '/AlUATlON y~ J ~ELAND 8 OF E UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL L~ . . - - ~.. I .31 ,31 I/;;;'~O 130(') IY"~ ------ . _.~ ..... (er t. --', d 3.__ . ~.../ .3/ 3/ /1.;2"'iIJ 7~/)O I.P.'" ,<; n ~3 . 0T tJ. c9- .J-r--- +~- 1/:J5'CJ 73CJo /.f.s:~/l -~- S'~ ,3/ 3/ --e- ~ --E3>-- , ~5 1/2 "'0 7=?(Jt'/ IP.5Cd ~< --A -e-- e .- . .-