HomeMy WebLinkAbout320191300020 .. DESCRIPTION: PLAT lOT # Tract 2 of SW NE Ex. 2-A. _ ~ J'7;')( Iql"-?n'O()~O\ SEC 19 ACREAGE DISTRICTS I YEAR AUD. #: TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD ,5/72 C:F~3621 Ronald R.Bechto1d e1 ux S 0' S 3 7h 1 331 q Ii cJ '?;k..!~{fm. j; Jd.6J;, '1/11 '3'33'-1 f '-I I d'\ u.&-tLe..R' fYJJ"lJL- 1173 34c Ie 7 u . Iu. i..fl 1, i- J"""t "~-r.., I 11J'".:L '10 f.s.;i.S- lat/tv""" 0(. t!'a:/&>u"" . 0"71-"')/ /"J '....:ru , 1/ - ~l- - - - -- -~ - ~~- . t - -- - -..... ACREAGE VALUATION YEAR 71 TIDELAND IMPROVED TOTAL nDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED . J '1 ---t-- 1000 -- , ,-- ~$. --- -, .n I- .:! 17.06 ---- .1-- --- L~ - 1'-1,." - , /1 '1190 UNIMPROVED , L1. 74 , 79 0) W - - ,-- ,/1 -.- -- 'I12.{) -- BlK '""'III TWP 20 R,GE 3 AFFIDAVIT 'Ii SALES $ f!31022 ~~n #S.3397 .>1"7 ~~A~5'7 .,/ #.5~/:2/ 'L 'C/'~ -<5'07~~1' BUilDING 3260 B OF E TOTAL 4260 _ ,6Q'zo_I-%..5.;2a ' j) ",1" : ,- , ' /'-100 , --0 '/')00 ge"lCJ 'lye u 9x9{~ -- -, - -- ------- 31 .~ _ ,>-.",-. Beginning at the SW corner of Blk. 20, Frances Shelton's Add to City of Shelton, run S 0028' E 107.51' to a point on the S line of Grove St., which ,is the initial point for the following described land; thence run N 82030' W along said St. boundary 82.12'; thence S 0028' E G1.38'; thence N 89032' E 81.32' to a point on the W boundary of the Goldsborough Add to Shelton, thence along said boundary N 0028' W 50.0' to the initial point. This tract lies in the SW NE Sec. 19-20-3, containing 0.104 acres, more or less. Beginning at the SW corner of Blk 20, Frances Shelton's Add to Shelton, run S 0028' E 157.51' to a point on W boundary of Goldsborough Agd which is initial point of this tract; th W 80'; th S 0028' E 50'; th N 89 32' E 80' to a point on W boundary of Goldsborough Add; th along said boundary N 0028' W 50' to initial point. Description for Tract 2-A Beginning at the SW corner of Block 20, Frances Shelton's Add; thence S 0028' E 157.51'; thence S 89032' W 38.50' to I,P.; thence continue S 89032' W 42.82'; thence N 0028' W 111.38', more or less, to Sly line o of Grove Street; thence S 82 30' E, along Sly line of Grove StDEt, 43.24'; o thence S 0 28' E 105.39', more or less, to I.P. l'