HomeMy WebLinkAbout320184300080 .. DESCRIPTION: PLAT ~:in " i. gi-A. q. If .el 0 .8 01 lOT BlK # ACREAGE Tract 8 of Govt Lot 2 Ex. S 60' SEC 18 TWP 2q RGE 3 -' I -- - DISTRICTS , AFFIDAVIT '/I' YEAR AUD. #: TITLE HOLDER u, ~ . ,&:'. ~ CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 54 - .'2515 7.,~ Winiecki d 'Jo(j) 0 3 Bernard ,~ A- S S H - - - . - --- -- - -f-- I , --- ~ ------ . -- -------- -- - - - - - - - - - - --~ !---- - - - - - -- ----- ,- - '- . - I-- - - ACREAGE VALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL nDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 70 J. J If I,~ r) I 158 150 .,.'" iAo~ 3.1U . -?r1 0 'P--- I- - . - - - - ---- 'J I /. 0 ~ rJ. /., , Ie e--~--- - --- - - ,- . - CI I.';;' 0 /'';;0 /(;~(', /O.::{O 2tI J C () /) /e, ::;10 ., - - l- . - - - --- ----- -~---- - ----- ----- 1$ PTN Formerly: Tract 8 of SW SE Ex. S 60' Beginning at a point on the S line of NW SE which is 840' W of SE corner of said NW SE; thence run E along the S line of NW SE, 190', more or less, to a point thereon; thence S to a point on the Nly line of Block 4, David Shelton 3rd Add; thence N 82030' W along the N1y line of said Block 4 to the NW corner of Block 4; thence S 7030' W along the W1y line of said Block 4, 4.24 chains, more or less, to the NW corner of Block 8, David o Shelton 3rd Add; thence N 82 30' W to a point on the N1y line of Block 7 of David Shelton 3rd Add directly S of I.P.; thence N to I.P.