HomeMy WebLinkAbout320183190020 ,.. DESCRIPTION: PLAT \$id.O.i :8~~~r q.O O:;z,~ LOT BLK """"Il iF ACREAGE Tract 2 of Govt IDt 4 SEC l8 TWP 20 RGE 3 ~--- -- -- -- __, _._~_~~J~~"- , DISTRICTS I I AfFIDAVIT YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: tRDr~ S( IPT UO FD I HD i CD ' SALES $ ...---- ----- -------------- ---- .---------- _64.~2Q47.8L_.GleD c. Watson et ux S 309 S 3 H #lO078 'fii_ !f.g,rze>l'--fk . ,tlm_ :,~" r 3r;;oo ~7';~;;! /AlA I I i ___--l-____~___ , - --- -~- - -- -~--L - , , , - --r------ - I , --+ , - I , - ! , -- ,n ---- , - , -----,- , ==== - ACREAGE 'IALUATION VEAR~ND ------ B OF E , UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL I 1- of7 -~ _:-7, /7 G/sCJ .5/50 --- J"I/ I , 110'/70 /10'/70 -. - - - I - --- , t -I - _u I --- ~"I ...:'.c'~ (Tract 2 of Short Plat #48) That ptn of Govt Lt 4, 18-20-3W.W.M., daf: Cbrmenicng at the SW corner of sd Govt Lt 4, sd point also known as the SE corner of Callanan's Mtn View Add to Shelton as recorded in Vol. 4 of Plats, pg 76 and the NW corner of Blk 2 of Plat of Watsons Mtn View Add to Shelton as recorded in Vol. 6 of Plats, pgs 91-92, records of M3.son Cbunty, Washington; th N 00019'00"w alg the W line of sd Govt Lt 4 and the E line of 12th St as shown on the afore- rrentioned plats, 340.51' to TPOB, sd point being the NW corner of certain tr con- veyed to Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, by deed dated 9-13-60 and recorded under AF# 185268, records of M3.son County Washington; th N 89041' OO"E alg the N line of sd M:mron tr and its extension 430'; th N 35056'40"W 300'; th N 14039'38"W 160'; th N 57013'40"W 160'; th N 35056'40"W 140' + - tap on the sd W line of Govt Lt 4, N 00019'00"W 600' from TPOB; th S 00019'OO"E 600' alg the sd W line of Govt Lt 4 to sd TPOB. . J2 ".r)~/~ , , '~." --' - -' '---./ ---, ---'" - -,...... (- , -"