HomeMy WebLinkAbout320182400030 ,. BLK DESCRIPTION: PLAT LOT r--'---- tf6 .3 6 1/: ACREAGE j..~~'f~l ,"bf-. _____00. .- SEC 18 TWP 20 RGE 3 Trac 0 ovt ot 5 - I - - DISTRICTS I AFFIOAVIT 1/' YEAR AUO, # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 55 fF156322 James E.Conno11y et r:- n 'XJ s 30 S 3 H $7000 x -i:') I,t. (Patricia F,) [1193505 QCD 2/85 447499 James E. Connoll.'L-et -x --- - - --- ---- - - , - ~ I-- - . --- - --- - - - --- 1--------- - --- -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - --'--- ACREAGE VALUATlDN B DF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPRDVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 71 /.'2,n I. )n ,3750 7370 11120 -- -------- 74 - f-- - -- ~g-- - - 150() I~Z-f.~_ d,:l.;2---J!'L h I-- gca:z.Q - t2,5'2ic ::; .~./. - - - -- - - - - - -- -- , gl /30 /,3D ~- ---- I t;b."J ,7C-' J ((2,O...,'?P S'!?() /il IR,/,C" ~' /.r. .;<5 I Ho If? .)>C ., .Lf.3 I{ '-I 0 ?3 Full 11,1, LuZ- / /P:?,.? C tj '3'1 '10 - I. ';;:..4.::-- Ir:E_!"I=!.~ ~~"- - ,--:.... ::i 5"'1!/..!!.... f1 ':<5^It,/O II? 3" " '-I 3 '-/'10 - - - Sic 1.5/'10 'Z-~DSO '-/7/9d - - ---- ------ 1---- - -.. - 1--- --- ~g- r7,v -- Formerly: Tracts 8-A & 23-A of Govt Lot 5 Tract 23-A Bgn at pt 209' S of NW corner of lot Thn S along W line 146' more or less to NW corner of Sowders Lands Thn E along N line of Sowders tract 240' Thn Nly parallel with W line of Lot 5 146' Thn W 240' to pnt of bgn 9/10 acres. Tract 8-A Beg at point on a line between Lot 5 & David Shelton's D.L.C., 1676.5' S of NE corner of DLC; th S 69.6'; th E 240'; th N 69: 5'; th W 240' to loP. 4/10 acres (Ry QCD AF# 447708 - adjustment of boundary lines:(See Tr 4 GL 5 W of Creek) I , ~ All that ptn of Govt It 5, l8-20-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at a point on a line between GL 5 and the David Shelton DLC 1137, l766.0' S of the HE corner of sd DLC; th N, alg sd line 20'; th E 240'; th N 215.5'; th E )60'; th Sly tap on the H line of a tr of land conveyed to Clarence Sowders and Ethel Sowders, his wife, by deed dated July l4, 1952, recore.ed under AF# 845l9, which point is 4'fO' E of the line bet\i'een 80\'1: Lt 5 and the DLC; th E to the gEater line of Shelton Springs Creek; th SEly alg ell of sd crk tap E of the point of beginning; th W to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. Said S line regardless of its "East" or "West" bea.ring is the same line 28 the N line of a tr of land cwnEd by ShE.ltcn Professional Center Inc. which is further described under Mason County AF# 447663, recorded l2-23-85, Vol. lO, pg 94-96. The a.bove d<:s.9:iPtion applies to Tr 4 GI,>"_.'I_.of. Creek - typed on this care. in error. The follo;;ing description applies to Tr 3 GL 5: Vaca-viElI'I~o:E road over c.nd across thE, W 30' of the following de,scribec. tract: A tr of land in GL 5 18-20-3W. W. M, daf: BAP on c. line between GL 5 and the DLC 1137, 1676.5' S of the NE corner of sd DLC; th S on sd line 69.5'; th E 240'; th N p2_rallel with the W line of 3d Lt 5, 69.5'; th W 240' + - to POB.