HomeMy WebLinkAbout320195111001 DESCRIPTION: PLAT D. SHELTONS 1ST lOT 1 & E 10' 2 BlK \C & E 26' of S /8' !-t 2 "" ACREAGE r~/~q..t("i I JIJ ()/ SEe TWP ~GE / I DISTRICTS. ." iJiD~VIl"*' YEAR AUO, # TITLE HDlDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD . ESi$ , 62 il195299 Wm.R.Batstone et ux S 09 S 3 il19507 396068 t ux ffmrJ 1#~?702 11/81 397933 Wi I I iam R. Batstone . 4500 /.'1L '7311t/ -,Ii' ,;, . Q, J1i, ;V~O .{L /'_ h,') "':^_: 3 yc, 3-" J!. 0 ~M (J .. - ---~- ACREAllE VALUATION B DF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL 71 I 8400 23860 32260 7g I/~~ -- --- L~Kda -"J.2 7..2d ~.y..~Q ~/. --.-- I/L/ tl(}(1 JJJ~~() J.~ - ~I I.~"DOO /1:::J 100 ,In'7/DO ff; .37~J/o '" - 2"<11/4-0 '1" 37B4o 172./0eJ ';<091/'10 - . 35 ,. d I i . j ! ..~j ..,_- "_1-.'_ -"_,.. - ~ .--- ....j,. ..-..... .."- - .L -..-....... . _...:. ___......._ou.-- _ '" ....."~-~. .', I.e';" /,_ ..::t.. ,s.F' s- Add by Executor's Deed AF#397933 (re-record) The E 26' of the S 18' of the following described property TGW a perpetual non-exclusive easement for ingress, egress and uti I ities over the W 2' of the E 28' of the S 18' of the fol lowing described property: Lots 2 & 3 B I k K, DCiv i d She I ton I st Add to She I ton as recorded in the off ice of the Auditor for sd County and State; EXCEPTING therefrom the E 10' of Lot 2.